Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 19, 2021

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Yeah, but you’re a Democrat.

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    electricshadow Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Batty is a good look if you are determined to live in a cave.

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    rossevrymn  about 4 years ago

    A right-wing populist go-to move, when yah got nuthin’, try to drag the other guy down to your level.

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    Sanspareil  about 4 years ago

    Silly Carmen, republicans can’t come to their senses because they had none to begin with!

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    NeuralCapsule  about 4 years ago

    I think Winslow is saying that the Republicans’ battiness has always worked for him.. Personally, I don’t think the Republicans have come to their senses since Eisenhower elevated Nixon to the Vice Presidency after his secret campaign funds and glib comments about illegally using his senate expense fund otherwise..

    Democrats called on Nixon to resign then in 1952 and the Washington Post joined the call.. Dewey, who lost to FDR and in the now infamous upset to Truman, had gotten Eisenhower to select “Tricky Dick”, but even then in 1952 suggested that he should use the speech he was planning to resign..

    That was the chance for the Republicans to ‘return to their senses’ as Carmen suggests, instead Nixon responded with a perfect piece of political deflection in the “Checkers speech” and became Eisenhowers ‘hatchet man’ in an unprecedented expansion of the role of the Vice Presidency, especially against the Republicans own 1950s demagogue Senator Mccarthy..

    This was the Republicans last best chance to return to their senses..

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    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    So, Stantis believes that the violent attempt to overthrow the American government is ‘batty’?

    Move on, nothing to see here, Stantis?



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    GentlemanBill  about 4 years ago

    Batty and Democrat are synonymous… X)

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    William Robbins Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Ok, I’m going to pretend Winslow is just in character and it’s not a Stantis statement about all Dems. For my own enjoyment.

    Apparently I drove away Ksf guy yesterday. Sorry, but I’m really sick of people pulling out the “deplorable” _#__#. Hillary astutely pointed out the rot in the Republican party she grew up in. Republicans pulled an “I’m Spartacus” act on behalf of Klansmen, Nazis, and child bride advocates. Despicable.

    And now the rot is all that remains.

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    RobinHood  about 4 years ago

    Off Topic; Congradulations to NASA, JPL, and the entire team that landed Perseverance safely on Mars

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    dotbup  about 4 years ago

    6 Capitol Police officers suspended, 29 others being investigated for alleged roles in riot ( -

    The affidavit for the Oathkeepers (Watkins, Crowl and Caldwell) indicated that they had help on the inside.

    “Thanks Brother, but we are WAY ahead on that. We have infiltrators in Their ranks. We are doing the W.H. in the am and early afternoon, rest up at the Hotel, then headed back out tomorrow night ‘tifa’ hunt’in. We expect good hunting." (P22 j)

    On January 6, 2021, while at the Capitol, “Go through back house chamber doors facing N left down hallway down steps.” (p22 k)

    They were there from two weeks before. They conspired to attack people and had bomb instructions. Batty? more like batsh!t insane.

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    christineracine77  about 4 years ago

    Naive as I am, I assumed Winslow was referring to the fact that, if backlit in a dark room, he might bear a passing resemblance to Batman.

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    StackableContainers  about 4 years ago

    There is a reason why people usually don’t get their souls back after they sell them. It isn’t because they can’t. It’s because they never try.

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    Thinkingblade  about 4 years ago

    … and there in lies the problem. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican characterizing the bulk of the people in either group by the extremes of that group prevents being able to get to common ground. When leaders within that group pander to those extremes or use them as a scare tactic it only makes the problem worse.

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    Plods with ...™  about 4 years ago

    They’re so cute when they are that evian.

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    Radish...   about 4 years ago

    Anti democracy dictator loving republicans are moon bats without human empathy.

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    dogday Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Sssoooo, the equivalency is a cartoon character to major figures in the U.S. government? OK, I’m good with that.

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    wagnertinatlanta  about 4 years ago

    “Democrats called on Nixon to resign then in 1952 and the Washington Post joined the call..” Democrats have been calling on Republicans to resign ever since then, and the WaPo has always joined in. We Republicans have learned to ignore them both.

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