Prickly City by Scott Stantis for March 05, 2021

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    LookingGlass Premium Member about 4 years ago

    And she’s not the only one!! There’s an exodus going on and it won’t stop anytime soon!! If “they” kill the stimulus bill, the “I’m outta here” will get worse!! Maybe the republiKKKlans should look up the word – SEPPUKU!!

    “Here’s you sign
” (With thanks to Bill Engvall)

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  2. German typewriter detail small
    Cheapskate0  about 4 years ago

    Carmen – and Scott: Is that a threat or a promise?

    (Old redneck joke when I lived in the Florida panhandle)

    And if you’re done with the Q-Publican Party, just where are you going to go? Libertarians and the Tea Party are part and parcel of how the Republican Party lost its way.

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  3. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 4 years ago

    How about YOU, Stantis?

    Maybe you can do some cartoons about Conservative Values.

    Be sure to compare and contrast those Conservative Values with the characteristics of Fox “News” and other so-called ‘conservative’ media,


    the Conservative Values expressed by Republican (Party Of Trump) legislators, especially those depicted in their presidential platform and their legislative ‘agenda’.


    Don’t ignore the attempt to violently overthrow the government of the United States.



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  4. Chainlightning
    electricshadow Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Two days ago, I said censure for Carmen wasn’t enough for this gang. I was wrong. What’s next, induct her into the QAnon army to storm the Capitol again on March 4, er, April 1?

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    Davao  about 4 years ago

    Good for you Carmen, Cheers

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    admiree2  about 4 years ago

    Oh, oh, Carmen. You just escalated it to Double Secret Probation.

    Must be the Pennsylvania GOP chairman running the meeting. They are not asking you to do good or follow your conscience or “anything like that”.

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    Darsan54 Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Sooooooo adorable, when they get cranky.

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    bdpoltergeist Premium Member about 4 years ago

    welcome to the new cancel culture

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  9. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly decried “cancel culture,” but on Thursday night, he proved once again that he’s one of its biggest practitioners.

    Trump released an angry statement decrying a number of Republican figures for being disloyal to him and called on Fox News to ditch longtime contributor Karl Rove, who he labeled a “RINO.”

    “Karl Rove is all talk and no action!” Trump wrote. “Fox News should get rid of Karl Rove and his ridiculous ‘whiteboard’ as soon as possible!”

    Trump was apparently triggered by a Wall Street Journal column in which Rove criticized the former president’s CPAC speech as “divisive, controversial and embittered.”

    “There was no forward-looking agenda,” the longtime GOP strategist wrote. “Simply a recitation of his greatest hits.”


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  10. Cheshirecat chandra complg 1024
    Silly Season   about 4 years ago

    Today is March 5.

    Unemployment benefits expire March 14.

    The Covid Relief bill would extend them



    Shortly after 3 p.m. on Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris cast a tie-breaking vote to kick off Senate debate on Democrats’ $1.9 trillion relief bill.

    After the clerk began to read the 628-page legislation, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made a customary request to waive the reading of the bill.

    Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson rose to object. As I write this, the clerk is just getting started on reading aloud the table of contents of a piece of legislation.

    Republicans think the full recitation could chew up 10 hours. Senate clerks think they can do it in five.

    The objection was the first salvo in a wave of dilatory stunts that Johnson and his Republicans have planned over the next few days as they try to do something they’ve been wholly unsuccessful at so far:

turning public opinion against Democrats’ popular legislation, which Republicans wish to frame as less a COVID relief bill than a raid on the Treasury for unrelated Democratic priorities.

    Johnson says that he’s submitting the Senate clerks to this trial of vocal-cord durability not to be a jerk, but because the “American people deserve to know what’s in it.”

    It’s hard to think of a less effective way to inform the American people about what’s in a bill than by forcing an hours-long recitation of incomprehensible legislative language on the Senate floor, but that’s the message.


    This time, however, Republicans are talking tough about a far more grueling process.

    Asked how many amendment votes he’d like to see, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul said, “I’m hoping for infinity.” Indiana Sen. Mike Braun wouldn’t quite go all the way to infinity, but he said there would be many more votes than there were in the “warm-up session” last month.


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    Radish...   about 4 years ago

    I remember when Stantis hated Hillary Clinton and helped to elect Trump.

    That was when the Seattle Times dropped his strip.

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  12. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 4 years ago

    I left 2 years ago, Carmen.

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    WestNYC Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Leave and don’t look back Carmen. The Democrats need more centrists to keep the progressives from taking over.

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    feverjr Premium Member about 4 years ago

    Careful what you wish for
 the TEA Party became the “T” Party

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    Thinkingblade  about 4 years ago

    The Republican Party is at an interesting cross roads which oddly enough probably doesn’t really have anything to do with any of the nonsense that is being cast about. It is going back to the basic “drain the swamp” discussion. The biggest area of contention has to do with whether Republican politicians are “insiders” or not – and in seeing how Boehner, McConnell and to a much less competent level Lindsey Graham have “operated” the system over the last decade it is becoming obvious who those “insiders” are. Inherently people have become distrustful of such insiders as focusing on maintaining their own power vs. following Conservative principles. I’ve got some popcorn and a cold beverage set aside to watch this play out.

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  16. Mikes face  thanks peet
    Back to Big Mike  about 4 years ago

    Can’t win for losing. Sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug.

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    Kip W  about 4 years ago

    “That’s it! I’m out of here. Off to find another group almost exactly like this one, but with different people in it, and one day when it joins back up with the old group I guess I’ll be okay with that too.”

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    ferddo  about 4 years ago

    It’s how the Trump version of the GOP works: no matter how loyal you’ve been in the past, if they find it useful (or fun) to throw you under their bus they certainly will

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    michael.hawaii50  about 4 years ago

    I certainly hope you are sincere with your “I’m outta here!!!”Pretending that you are something you’re not and extolling thoughts contrary to a majority of those you pretend to be is loathsome.You are no more than some privileged, bowtie-wearing Doonesberry wannabe.Please, leave.

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