For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for April 21, 2021

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    capricorn9th  almost 4 years ago

    More likely she’s upset there are no more toys to toss out of the crib and wants mama to put them back in the crib so she could do it again.

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    Johnnyrico  almost 4 years ago

    It’s because she doesn’t have anything else to throw out of the crib…

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago

    roommates or no roommates… make up your mind, April

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    howtheduck  almost 4 years ago

    Elly jumps to a conclusion here that no experienced mother would jump to. Kids learn that their actions result in certain reactions from those around them. If they throw their toys out of the crib and cry or yell for it, parents will typically go get it for them. It can quickly become a game, with parents constantly going in and out returning their child’s toy. All my kids did this at some point or another, but with my second child, I knew what to expect.

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    Tantor  almost 4 years ago

    Oh, that’s a bad baby!

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    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Modern advice… but I think it came after this strip was written…

    is that due to more recent research on SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome),

    NO toys, pillows, quilts or blankets at ALL should be in the crib till the baby is at least 12 months old…

    which I think April just reached…

    and after that only one soft toy is allowed.


    A wall chart at my doctor’s office says in big letters on top, “Baby Sleeps Alone.”

    It reminds parents of the above, plus no co-sleeping, that is, no sharing a parent’s bed…

    no tummy sleeping, swaddling, or even caps…

    all of which used to be recommended but now are linked to more suffocation or overheating.


    Modern babies sleep in blanket sleepers or bags if it’s cold, but no loose bedding.

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    rockyhills  almost 4 years ago

    “Experts” tell us not to put anything in the bed with the baby.

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    Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    She’s upset because she just discovered that gravity is the law of the land.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I suppose that sometimes a damsel in distress locked herself in. She’s not all that distressed until just the right “prince” comes along.

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    dv1093  almost 4 years ago

    My oldest daughter figured out quickly how to escape her crib. It involved a backflip.

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    jbruins84341  almost 4 years ago

    When my oldest son was April’s age, he used to take his pacifier out of his mouth, fling it across the room, and then scream to get it back. I don’t know how long we played this game, but one night was too much.

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    kab2rb  almost 4 years ago

    For me and my children that age, non had toys in their bed, son had odd sleeping times, daughter I knew when, just no toys.

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    paranormal  almost 4 years ago

    Ape is going to train them yet!

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    techie_42  almost 4 years ago

    I have played the daddy pick stuff up game.

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    TexTech  almost 4 years ago

    Seems to me Elly would know why no toys are in the crib since she should be walking all over them. At least it looked like April was dumping them just over the edge. Elly’s first clue should have been walking over the thing April threw the furthest and gotten a better idea as she got closer and stepped on even more toys.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 4 years ago

    Mad because she couldn’t get out with them.

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    Jan C  almost 4 years ago

    Most of these “new mom” type gags completely ignore the fact that April’s crib is Elizabeth’s room. Liz would be awake and either complaining or taking care of the problem.

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    tHaT OnE tHEatRE GeEk  almost 4 years ago

    Ha! this is pretty good! I have always loved this strip! :-D

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    rebelstrike0  almost 4 years ago


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    masnadies  almost 4 years ago

    If Lynn had a note on this one, it would probably point out that this doesn’t make too much sense to an experienced parent or with Liz in the room, but she doesn’t. Sometimes, I suspect the cute scene and the joke won out over continuity.

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