Bozo by Foxo Reardon for January 02, 2022

  1. Img 4741
    Ninette  about 3 years ago

    1. Bozo should have brushed up on his Archimedes!

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  2. Img 4741
    Ninette  about 3 years ago

    1. At least it was paint and not…

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  3. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member about 3 years ago

    1 What exactly was Bozo planning to paint up there?

    2 Don’t just stand there Bozo. Start picking up.

    3 Sneaking an ad into enemy territory, way to go Bozo!

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  4. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  about 3 years ago

    1. When ladder is much taller than wall.

    2. When work is worship, you don’t cares about money.

    3. LOL. It’s usually “Eat At Joe’s” in the cartoons. And that’s where Bozo eating. :-D

    Every panel has such depths and details to it in Bozo comics. It’s like a complete scene going on in a realistic cartoon world. One has to enjoy Bozo at leisure, seeing and enjoying every panel and its details.

    Three cheers to all three, and a big thumbs up and big applause too, for FoXo’s marvellous masterpiece, the picturesque pantomime called BOZO, the best drawn best funnies that brightens every day!

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    Ninette  about 3 years ago

    3. Another to put on gold and shoot into space as a gift to eternity. Raw, distilled, humor.

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    goboboyd  about 3 years ago

    1. Inspired by, or an inspiration to, early twentieth century Buster Keaton or Laurel and Hardy.2. From a time when thieves thought they could blend into a crowd while wearing a mask. A century later, you actually can.3. Um… Dance with the one who brung ya my man.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member about 3 years ago
    “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum and I will mess something up real good.” Archimedes (sort of)
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  8. Earl flag
    Mark Thomas  about 3 years ago

    1. Bozo climbed the ladder of success and came crashing down.

    2. Bozo, just do your job and pick up the “Extra” trash. When the cop comes back, just say, “What money”?

    3. Bozo just checking out the competition.

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    Solstice*1947  about 3 years ago

    2) Stealing a bag of cash is one thing— but littering an area that Bozo has just cleaned is unacceptable.

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  10. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member about 3 years ago

    ¹⋰ Ladder, ladder, against the wall. Up I climb and down I fall!

    ²⋰ Hey! Who’s going to pick all your trash? Oh, never mind!

    ³⋰ Part of Bozo’s job is to check out the competition.

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    Ed The Red Premium Member about 3 years ago

    The first strip seems to be a physical manifestation of the Peter Principle.

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  12. Img 4741
    Ninette  about 3 years ago

    1. As a teen I spent two summers with a stick and a bucket keeping our town’s parks clean. Amazingly and unexplainably the job was a chick magnet.

    Wealth comes our hero’s way.

    Pick up the stick!

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  13. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  about 3 years ago

    THE CLOVERS. Your Cash Ain’t Nothin But Trash. Live 1954

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    Kip Williams  about 3 years ago

    “HEY! Post no bills!”

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    Chris Sherlock  about 3 years ago

    1-To paraphrase Tweety Bird, that last step was a lulu!

    2-Quoting Pink Floyd lyrics, “Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.”

    3-Does Bozo know something about Joe’s that the rest of us don’t?

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  16. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 3 years ago

    1) Physics Will Get You Every Time: Bozo climbs a fall ladder on a fence and forgets what weight distribution will do and falls flat on his face on the other side.

    2) Litter Me This: Bozo spearing paper and is miffed when a guild criminal spills money all over as he is chased down and arrested giving Bozo more work!

    3) Advertising isn’t Liking: Bozo’s job as advertiser for Mike’s but would rather each lunch at Joe’s!

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    Searcy9320  about 3 years ago

    food for thought reminds me of my childhood . My mom and dad owed a cafe in the bus station. I used to go next door to the sweet shop and buy chocolate milkshakes. My dad later put in a milkshake blender and I never visited the sweet shop again.

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