Bozo by Foxo Reardon for September 16, 2022

  1. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 2 years ago

    1 Apparently the girls had to run through a few more encores, right Bozo?

    2 Being able to change a tire probably gets you a step closer to a merit badge so letting the kid do it is Bozo’s good deed for the day. Probably.

    3 Bozo as fly-boy.

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    Lemon Juice  over 2 years ago

    “Head’s Up” 69 years ago.

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    vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Flower power. Wheeler dealer. Don’t look now. I’ve noticed the quickest way to get people to do what I want, is to do it first. Trouble is, I don’t want to do it, that’s why I need to get them to.

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    Just-me  over 2 years ago

    1. Well watered

    2. Quick change

    3. Loop the loop

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    goboboyd  over 2 years ago

    1- Apparently it will be awhile before the Diva In Residence will see you.

    2. Triggered a thought that it wasn’t just cartoon balloon tires that ‘blew out’. Actual tires seemed to announce them themselves more definitively than our contemporary models. Can’t say I miss the innertubes. Except for floating on in the local creek.

    3. There are insects that buzz loud enough to be a distraction. Air raid concerns were not too far removed from common life when this was originally penned. Enter, the Cold War to fill the worry gap.

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    Sluggo's Eloquence Coach  over 2 years ago

    1. Flower Shower 2. “Repair-it” Merit 3. Bug Shrug

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    SofaKing Premium Member over 2 years ago

    How many people today know how to fix a tube type tire that don’t have gray hair?

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    Mark Thomas  over 2 years ago

    1. The water boy.

    2. That kid was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

    3. Keep your eye on the target.

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  9. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 2 years ago

    1. Helpful Bozo knows the star they waits for not coming anytime soon. So water to keeps flowers fresh.

    2. Noble Bozo lets kid to has the opportunity to earns the benefits of a good deed.

    3. Nothing can escapes the sight of alert Bozo. Not even a fly.

    And what can I says about these wonderful wordless wonders?

    Drawn by a splendidly skilled master of perspective artwork who creates a beautiful three dimensional cartoon world of depth and details, BOZO offers more than what funnies usually has to offers.

    And what better epitome than BOZO that a picture speaks thousand words?

    So yes of course another big thumbs up, big applause, and three cheers once again for the marvellous master cartoonist FoXo’s magnificent masterpiece, the most pleasant picturesque pantomime, the ever entertaining ever energetic ever excellent evergreen entertainer BOZO!

    But despite being a great classic of great creative calibre, neither BOZO nor FoXo are much known or remembered these days.

    Spread the word, friends, so that BOZO can spread more joy and cheer to more!

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    the lost wizard  over 2 years ago

    3. Look, up in the sky. It wasn’t either a bird or an airplane. :)

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  11. Snoopy laughs
    HappyDog/ᵀʳʸ ᴮᵒᶻᵒ ⁴ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ᵒᶠ ᶦᵗ Premium Member over 2 years ago

    ∙•1•∙ Escort service.

    ∙•2•∙ Tired and retired.

    ∙•3•∙ Things are looking up, that’s the buzz!

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    InquireWithin  over 2 years ago

    1) Way to dampen their ardor, Bozo.

    2) Hey kid, I think the motto is “Be prepared”, not “leak repaired”.

    3) Is Bozo looking to catch a buzz?

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  13. Ca avatar patch
    CougarAllen  over 2 years ago

    Fixing a flat tire is a one-person job. Every time I do it someone always asks, “Can I help,” and I have to say no, you can’t.

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 2 years ago

    1) KEEP ‘EM WATERED: 2 men dressed to the 9’s have bouquets of flowers. Bozo waters them to keep them fresh!

    2) SCOUT’S HONOR: Bozo blows a tire, and a young boy scout comes along. He takes a nap as the boy struggles to fix that tube!

    3) BUZZ BOMB: Bozo and a Plutocrat are waiting on the sidewalk. They hear the buzz of some large bloodsucking insect diving down on them!

    Fuzzy is taking ig easy this week no car surfing.

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    Searcy9320  over 2 years ago

    FRESH GUY- These purty boys are here to meet Ms. Bozann after her performance. You have to admit Bozo kept his cool by not wetting them down, but refreshing their booocays! GOOD DEED- Seems like Bozo is always prepared to allow someone else do the good deed, plus the Boy Scout gets a badge for good deed. HEADS UP-Now you don’t see it, now you can’t see it, now you missed it.

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    edeloriea14  over 2 years ago

    1. “Just watering the flowers.”

    2. A merit badge for changing tires for lazy “old people” doesn’t exist.

    3. He has a bee by his bonnet.

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