Calvin’s plan for success is priceless. Good, solid six-year-old reasoning. He hears the adults say “right place, right time” a couple of times. It sticks. How to do it? The supply of places is far more limited than the supply of time, so rather than being ready for it at all times, let’s just pick a place. With all the possible combinations of time and place, and assuming that literally every moment there exists a place that, were you there, success would be yours, then your best, and certainly easiest, option is to stake out a place and spend as much time there as possible. Eventually, success has to swing by and you maximize the odds that you will be there when it does. Needless to say, the Place-To-Be could just as easily be directly in front of the TV at your house.
Back in the ‘40s & ’50s, the drug store might be one of the few buildings in a small town. There weren’t many places for young men, teens to hang around.So many already mentioned the soda fountains. But there were often benches in front of the store, they called those guys “Drug Store Cowboys”. (Some small towns are still like that, but they are becoming few and far between.)
“What I Did On My Summer Vacation. Day One: What I Did On My Summer Vacation: I went in to town to look for a job. Then I hung out at the drug store. Day Two: I went in to town to look for a job. Then I hung out at the drug store. Day Three…”
Here it is, the final new comic strip before Bill Watterson’s nine-month sabbatical (and when the new strips began again in 1992, the Sunday comics took on a bold new format that made them more visually pleasing.)
BE THIS GUY almost 4 years ago
And don’t forget to get something from the soda fountain.
Sugar Bombs 95 almost 4 years ago
Do people still call pharmacies drug stores nowadays, since the word “drug” has a different connotation today?
codycab almost 4 years ago
Obviously Calvin needs a strict D.A.R.E class.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I remember getting different flavored cokes at the soda fountain…..
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member almost 4 years ago
In panel #3 the idea of success for a 6-year-old boy is condensed. And Hobbes seems to agree.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Hobbes, for one, needs no stinking sarcasm font. Great punch line that goes right over the main character’s head.
Lightpainter almost 4 years ago
Calvin would agree that school is the one place that will NEVER be the right place.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Calvin’s plan for success is priceless. Good, solid six-year-old reasoning. He hears the adults say “right place, right time” a couple of times. It sticks. How to do it? The supply of places is far more limited than the supply of time, so rather than being ready for it at all times, let’s just pick a place. With all the possible combinations of time and place, and assuming that literally every moment there exists a place that, were you there, success would be yours, then your best, and certainly easiest, option is to stake out a place and spend as much time there as possible. Eventually, success has to swing by and you maximize the odds that you will be there when it does. Needless to say, the Place-To-Be could just as easily be directly in front of the TV at your house.
BigDaveGlass almost 4 years ago
Be a lot safer than what you’e doing now….
jimchronister2016 almost 4 years ago
dflak almost 4 years ago
Success = Opportunity + Preparation
dflak almost 4 years ago
Being at the right place at the right time with the wrong stuff doesn’t do you any good.
Success = Opportunity + Preparation
Alfyn Greengrass almost 4 years ago
Nah, success is having someone else do hard work, then pretending like you did the work! (LOL)
BobtheBandGuy almost 4 years ago
Hmmm. I just call it Walgreens.
vincent.pelletier almost 4 years ago
Sounds like something Jay and Silent Bob would do :-)
Auntie Socialist almost 4 years ago
It’s a surprisingly effective strategy. It’s the only reason anyone shells out the expensive tuition to go to Harvard these days
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I think Calvin may have something there. I hear people used to loiter at the corner of Hollywood and Vine in L.A. for just such a RPRT convergence.
VICTOR PROULX almost 4 years ago
This isn’t comic, it’s history
uniquename almost 4 years ago
I never can figure out how that wagon gets across the tree branch. Comic physics I guess.
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
Out of the mouths of babes …
sangwin80 almost 4 years ago
My cousin Tommy and I used to hang around the drugstore and read comic books when we were kids – back in the 40’s.
A Hip loving Canadian... almost 4 years ago
Drugstores, they start you off with comic books with the end game of selling you (prescription) drugs. Just say “no to drug…stores”.
COL Crash almost 4 years ago
The real key to success is being able to recognize the opportunities that present themselves before they pass you by.
If you have your face buried in a comic book (or your phone) you’ll miss them all.
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
“All things come to he who waits.” (Provided he’s not distracted by comic books.)
j.l.farmer almost 4 years ago
they are going to need a drugstore after falling off the cliff!
christelisbetty almost 4 years ago
Back in the ‘40s & ’50s, the drug store might be one of the few buildings in a small town. There weren’t many places for young men, teens to hang around.So many already mentioned the soda fountains. But there were often benches in front of the store, they called those guys “Drug Store Cowboys”. (Some small towns are still like that, but they are becoming few and far between.)
BiggerNate91 almost 4 years ago
Taking expressions at face value sure seems to be one of Calvin’s many “specialties!”
Ermine Notyours almost 4 years ago
“What I Did On My Summer Vacation. Day One: What I Did On My Summer Vacation: I went in to town to look for a job. Then I hung out at the drug store. Day Two: I went in to town to look for a job. Then I hung out at the drug store. Day Three…”
WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I tried that for many years at the same place – ended up eating a LOT of donuts!
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 4 years ago
Hobbes wishes Calvin would focus on driving over philosophy.
jfikse Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Same here in my area of Western Washington. Drug store with a pharmacy section.
DanWolfie almost 4 years ago
Here it is, the final new comic strip before Bill Watterson’s nine-month sabbatical (and when the new strips began again in 1992, the Sunday comics took on a bold new format that made them more visually pleasing.)
Red33410 almost 4 years ago
“Being with you just is one epiphany after another.”
AaronJOyster almost 4 years ago
Too bad the “right place” is relative. Otherwise, we’d all be successful.