The Buckets by Greg Cravens for March 25, 2021

  1. A78c357b 8cfd 4ba7 a070 703b64309e2a
    Gizmo Cat  almost 4 years ago

    Love malicious compliance.

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  2. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Well played, Gail.

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    TSRaman  almost 4 years ago


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    brick10  almost 4 years ago

    They’d never do that to a man.

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  5. Can flag
    Alberta Oil  almost 4 years ago

    Women do claim to be able to multitask better than men so what’s the problem.

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    Doctor Toon  almost 4 years ago

    Its getting eaten very soon so it won’t matter what it said, should still taste the same

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  7. Stinker
    cuzinron47  almost 4 years ago

    “Good work, Gail! We’ll see you at the breakdown.”

    “Don’t you mean the breakroom?”


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  8. 0bc122c1 30f1 4ea1 982f 8aa8c0ed7bee
    Wise1  almost 4 years ago

    Been there, done that. Retirement is more fulfilling!

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    cknoblo Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I worked as a Central Office Tech at one office, and had a Frame Attendant and Toll Tech working there with me. A few years later, I was running the office by myself, doing all three jobs. Yes, tech advancements had made all three jobs easier.

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