Looks like Gladys upped her game from Banquet to Pepperidge Farm. Add a King’s Hawaiian dinner roll, Sarah Lee dessert, and she’s all set. Besides, how many ways can one dress up chicken pot pie anyway?
Third time’s the charm. After the first two attempts, she read the directions. On the third try, she removed the foil packaging seal. Tada, culinary perfection!.
First night in a new apartment (45 years ago, pre-microwave days) and I burned the TV dinners because the oven was different. My husband never let me forget that oops.
That should give Mother the idea that she needs to up her game in the cooking, or in her case, the non-cooking department. However, I know that she won’t. My wife still hasn’t forgiven me for telling her that her home made cookies were just as good as those from the bakery. That was over twenty-six years ago…….
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 4 years ago
That’s my menu…..
JonesBill-Sylvia almost 4 years ago
That’s what kids like when they are in hurry to leave the table.
Wilde Bill almost 4 years ago
I wonder what he really wants.
LookingGlass Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Is Wilberforce looking to get an extra helping of desert, perchance??
nosirrom almost 4 years ago
Following instructions is so hard!
cracker65 almost 4 years ago
Now that’s a compliment.
Jeff0811 almost 4 years ago
Looks like Gladys upped her game from Banquet to Pepperidge Farm. Add a King’s Hawaiian dinner roll, Sarah Lee dessert, and she’s all set. Besides, how many ways can one dress up chicken pot pie anyway?
GROG Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Soon enough, she’ll be able to boil water.
rdav1248961 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
He won’t be saying that tomorrow when Gladys makes a home cooked meal.
zzeek almost 4 years ago
Third time’s the charm. After the first two attempts, she read the directions. On the third try, she removed the foil packaging seal. Tada, culinary perfection!.
Michael G. almost 4 years ago
Isn’t it a solid 9 months till Xmas?
exness Premium Member almost 4 years ago
First night in a new apartment (45 years ago, pre-microwave days) and I burned the TV dinners because the oven was different. My husband never let me forget that oops.
KEA almost 4 years ago
does somebody want something from mom?
CorkLock almost 4 years ago
I see politics in his future or the pulpit.
raybarb44 almost 4 years ago
That should give Mother the idea that she needs to up her game in the cooking, or in her case, the non-cooking department. However, I know that she won’t. My wife still hasn’t forgiven me for telling her that her home made cookies were just as good as those from the bakery. That was over twenty-six years ago…….
Alberta Oil Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It’s all in the timing.. and just when you have it down pat.. the microwave dies and you need a new one.
Lola85 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Nice save, kid.
Buckeye67 almost 4 years ago
Don’t over rate Wilberforce. He simply isn’t too bright and he can be easily satiated.
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
And that’s why her cooking has improved.
JesseLouisMartinez almost 4 years ago
Her microwave meals probably taste better than her cooking
Boise Ed Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Nobody could open a can like my mother! Now my paternal grandmother — that woman knew how to handle a kitchen.
l3i7l almost 4 years ago
Mom was a pretty good cook and baker, but once in a great while we had TV Dinners. In the mid 50s it was more of a treat to have them.