I just looked at skin-horse.com. Apparently someone said some unkind things about Shaenon’s artwork and it really got to her. Either that or, I hope, this is an early April Fools joke.
Shaenon, if your post on Skin-Horse.com is true, PLEASE reconsider. There is no other strip like Skin Horse. This is the only strip where any prediction I make for the story arc is always wrong. I’ve been reading comics most of my 63 years of life; I currently follow over 100 strips on GoComics plus more in our paper; Skin Horse stands out, and above all the others. Please don’t go!
Skin Horse is one of my favorite comics, up next to Questionable Content and Girl Genius.
There are people in the world who look for ways to hurt other people, presumably because they imagine it will make them feel better about themselves. Some get really good at finding the most hurtful thing to say to a particular person. Sometimes they run in packs.Whatever they said, (it seems to have been removed,) please keep in mind that for every one of them, there are thousands of us who really like Skin Horse and will miss it if you quit.
Please don’t let yourself be another victim of internet trolls!
Skin Horse is one of my favorite comics, up next to Questionable Content and Girl Genius.
Whatever they said, (it seems to have been removed,) please keep in mind that for every one of them, there are thousands of us who really like Skin Horse and will miss it if you quit.
Please don’t let yourself be another victim of internet trolls!
Since Shaenon already announced that the comic would officially conclude this year, it makes little sense that she’d end it abruptly like that. Until further notice, I take it as sarcasm.
Ida No almost 4 years ago
Aimee: “I got us clean Baron jammies!”
danketaz Premium Member almost 4 years ago
What are the odds they can reset the odds?
destry1970 almost 4 years ago
Can’t wait to see what they change in to or out of.
crookedwolf Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I bet they do great!
Ida No almost 4 years ago
Anyone here also active over at skin-horse.com? What caused all the brouhaha that resulted in Shaenon quitting the strip?
Darwinskeeper almost 4 years ago
I just looked at skin-horse.com. Apparently someone said some unkind things about Shaenon’s artwork and it really got to her. Either that or, I hope, this is an early April Fools joke.
Aladar30 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
This can’t end well.
Steverino Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I thought Aimee was in charge of the VR.
P51Strega almost 4 years ago
Shaenon, if your post on Skin-Horse.com is true, PLEASE reconsider. There is no other strip like Skin Horse. This is the only strip where any prediction I make for the story arc is always wrong. I’ve been reading comics most of my 63 years of life; I currently follow over 100 strips on GoComics plus more in our paper; Skin Horse stands out, and above all the others. Please don’t go!
Omniman almost 4 years ago
Skin Horse is one of my favorite comics, up next to Questionable Content and Girl Genius.
There are people in the world who look for ways to hurt other people, presumably because they imagine it will make them feel better about themselves. Some get really good at finding the most hurtful thing to say to a particular person. Sometimes they run in packs.Whatever they said, (it seems to have been removed,) please keep in mind that for every one of them, there are thousands of us who really like Skin Horse and will miss it if you quit.Please don’t let yourself be another victim of internet trolls!
Omniman almost 4 years ago
Skin Horse is one of my favorite comics, up next to Questionable Content and Girl Genius.
Whatever they said, (it seems to have been removed,) please keep in mind that for every one of them, there are thousands of us who really like Skin Horse and will miss it if you quit.Please don’t let yourself be another victim of internet trolls!
Stephen Gilberg almost 4 years ago
Since Shaenon already announced that the comic would officially conclude this year, it makes little sense that she’d end it abruptly like that. Until further notice, I take it as sarcasm.
6turtle9 almost 4 years ago
We Love you and your work Shaenon! Please don’t go! Don’t let a couple idiots dictate your life. You have an army of support, lean on us!