See, Lou works for the mob. The fish, well, the fish owed the mob money and wasn’t keeping up on the vig. So a lesson had to be taught … the hard way. So for all of youse who still owe money … remember in Lou Flowers for your “respects”.
Satchel’s overreaction to the dead fish once again underscores that fact that (and in this installment, by default), that the voice of reason in this ongoing saga is Bucky.
DennisinSeattle almost 4 years ago
You will never convince Bucky that a dead fish requires a gift to Lou Flowers.
Breadboard almost 4 years ago
Pinkish spell it out for the Tuna Muncher on a white board …..
Egrayjames almost 4 years ago
Sometimes I have just as much difficulty understanding Bucky as Bucky has in understanding Pinkish…..and it makes my head hurt!
Jeffin Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Can it Buck!
MS72 almost 4 years ago
Thinkingblade almost 4 years ago
See, Lou works for the mob. The fish, well, the fish owed the mob money and wasn’t keeping up on the vig. So a lesson had to be taught … the hard way. So for all of youse who still owe money … remember in Lou Flowers for your “respects”.
djtenltd almost 4 years ago
What star system is Rob’s house in??
BlitzMcD almost 4 years ago
Satchel’s overreaction to the dead fish once again underscores that fact that (and in this installment, by default), that the voice of reason in this ongoing saga is Bucky.
WentBrown almost 4 years ago
Bucky will never understand.