There used to be a natural stone bridge across a river in western Iceland. A folk story about it says that two children fell off and into the river and died. Their mother decided to destroy the bridge and put a curse on the area, so nobody would ever be able to cross there again and survive. (Some people say the bridge collapsed in an earthquake, but that’s just boring). Since then, many have tried, but nobody has made it across the river at that place and lived. I’ve seen it, and I think anyone who tries to cross there must be suicidal, but that’s another story. The place is called “Children’s Falls”, after the children who died there.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
imagine that… they say there was a natural bridge between Russia and Alaska millennia ago
Doug K over 3 years ago
Today’s “Inspiration”: “You can’t get there from here.”
gammaguy over 3 years ago
“Inspiration Point”… Take a deep breath!
(But please, don’t jump!)
Chris over 3 years ago
thee inspiration came down with the bridge. guess my motivation ain’t going nowhere anytime soon.
Purple People Eater over 3 years ago
There used to be a natural stone bridge across a river in western Iceland. A folk story about it says that two children fell off and into the river and died. Their mother decided to destroy the bridge and put a curse on the area, so nobody would ever be able to cross there again and survive. (Some people say the bridge collapsed in an earthquake, but that’s just boring). Since then, many have tried, but nobody has made it across the river at that place and lived. I’ve seen it, and I think anyone who tries to cross there must be suicidal, but that’s another story. The place is called “Children’s Falls”, after the children who died there.
Ichabod Ferguson over 3 years ago
Thank goodness! No one should have to be under a bridge when (pantless) Ziggy crosses it.
KEA over 3 years ago
Maybe someone was inspired to get off the bridge just before it collapsed… I hope
pcmcdonald over 3 years ago
I’m inspired by all the comments.
Dorothy Ownbey Premium Member over 3 years ago
Who let the elephant cross it?
JanBic Premium Member over 3 years ago
sort of like “The Great Stone Face” or “The Old Man of the Mountain”. Nathanial Hawthorne wrote about it but it collapsed in 2003.
heathcliff2 over 3 years ago
I feel inspired to be somewhere else.
coreym5 over 3 years ago
Good marketing
JesseLouisMartinez over 3 years ago
The amazing national bridge just collapsed