Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for June 15, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 4 years ago


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  2. Test01b
    Lawrence.S  almost 4 years ago

    And Cruz’s bike is apparently shrinking in panel 3.

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  3. 1017207 10200214106421862 492754112 n
    Cameron1988 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I still don’t believe in bigfoot

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  4. Stick figure
    Ichabod Ferguson  almost 4 years ago

    Has anyone confirmed that his other foot is also big?

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  5. Missing large
    timbob2313 Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Cue the dramatic music

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  6. Missing large
    raybarb44  almost 4 years ago


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  7. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  almost 4 years ago

    No wonder they’re lost – Heart (as in “… of the City”) and Dean found Bigfoot across the continent near Philly a few weeks ago.

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  8. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 4 years ago

    Cruz just spotted some of his own footprints.

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  9. Toughcat
    bakana  almost 4 years ago

    I sorta Met the “Real” Bigfoot long ago in the Navy.

    The only person I’ve ever met with a Size 18 shoe. He had to get them Custom Made because most shoe companies don’t make shoes that large and no one made US Navy Dress Shoes or Boondockers in his size. He also got an Exemption from several rules about not being able to Serve if the Navy did not stock issue Uniform Items in your size.

    The guy was about 6 foot 6. He was stationed aboard an Aircraft carrier and some of the passageways were still “Too Small” for him. He was under orders to always wear a Hard Hat when working after banging his head on things too many times.

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  10. Terror tim   copy
    Petemejia77  almost 4 years ago

    Pointing down at a mini Bigfoot.

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