Panel 1: yes, we know that: the Sagoths shot Tarzan, his body was supposed to be beneath the window, but it is not. It was revealed in the strip two days ago. Why is it necessary to repeat again and again the same facts, to explain what readers already know, to waste half of the current strip?! Good thing there is ERBzine, where the whole stories can be read at once.
The sagoths learned to use cannon by seeing them fired on the Connecticut… And had an artillery unit of cannon firing on the capital before the Connecticut could even arrive at a place where the sagoths on board could tell the others? More of Pellucidar’s erratic time?
So, it’s taken two whole strips for General Eyebrows to figure out how hosed he really is. This guy really isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. And the empress is no Einstein, either. I guess David Innes likes slumming in the short bus civilizations.
Finally ugly Roag can go to his barber appointment and get his unibrow trimmed and his haircut revised to something more acceptable. But he’s so ugly that won’t help! As for the rest of you Innes fools….SHUT UP and KEEP ROWING!
ScottHolman almost 3 years ago
It does look pretty shady there. Must be nice on hot days.
BigDaveGlass almost 3 years ago
Maybe they are going to pull in to get some breakfast……..
Thomas almost 3 years ago
Panel 1: yes, we know that: the Sagoths shot Tarzan, his body was supposed to be beneath the window, but it is not. It was revealed in the strip two days ago. Why is it necessary to repeat again and again the same facts, to explain what readers already know, to waste half of the current strip?! Good thing there is ERBzine, where the whole stories can be read at once.
Polsixe almost 3 years ago
The rowers on the port side are getting tired.
LawrenceS almost 3 years ago
The sagoths learned to use cannon by seeing them fired on the Connecticut… And had an artillery unit of cannon firing on the capital before the Connecticut could even arrive at a place where the sagoths on board could tell the others? More of Pellucidar’s erratic time?
Out of the Past almost 3 years ago
I went to the Land of the Awful Shadow one time. It was kind of a let down. It wasn’t really awful, it was just sort of crappy.
Old Comic Strip Lover almost 3 years ago
That must be the place where the people who are sensitive to sunburn live.
jtt almost 3 years ago
So, it’s taken two whole strips for General Eyebrows to figure out how hosed he really is. This guy really isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. And the empress is no Einstein, either. I guess David Innes likes slumming in the short bus civilizations.
profkatz almost 3 years ago
Finally ugly Roag can go to his barber appointment and get his unibrow trimmed and his haircut revised to something more acceptable. But he’s so ugly that won’t help! As for the rest of you Innes fools….SHUT UP and KEEP ROWING!