Lemme guess… Tarzan inspects the intrusion, finds that a leopard is about to attack someone, intervenes… another feline is killed (where’s PETA when you need it?!). Instead of returning to his unfinished meal, Tarzan gets himself involved in some adventure. yawn This is getting old.
charliefarmrhere about 5 hours ago
I think that Tarzan is full of Sheeta.
BigDaveGlass about 4 hours ago
He heard it through the grapevine. Wait till sheeta sees Tarzan’s loin cloth. Then it’ll even mader.
Thomas about 2 hours ago
Lemme guess… Tarzan inspects the intrusion, finds that a leopard is about to attack someone, intervenes… another feline is killed (where’s PETA when you need it?!). Instead of returning to his unfinished meal, Tarzan gets himself involved in some adventure. yawn This is getting old.
Gent about 1 hour ago
And always when he about to eats his breakfast. Them steenky sheetas will never learns eh.
Gent about 1 hour ago
Me never knews deer meat is sweet. Do it gots diabeetees or sometheeng?
Old Comic Strip Lover about 1 hour ago
Oh boy! Not just a new adventure but a whole fantastic series of them!
SHAKEDOWNCITY 29 minutes ago
Jungle is {"f}lush" with excitement.