“The name Dum Dum has been derived from the Persian word ‘damdama’, which means a raised mound. The city of Dum Dum was founded in the year 1783. It was the headquarters of the Bengal artillery until 1853 and has an ammunition factory in which the firearms were first made.”~ Source:- The Interweb.
Thomas about 4 hours ago
Every faculty… of which university? The illustrator should have been more specific. ;-)
SHAKEDOWNCITY about 4 hours ago
Warpaths are seldomly free of “traffic”.
Tachyon the Samurai Premium Member about 3 hours ago
Is that one Dum-Dum or two Dum-Dums?
BigDaveGlass about 1 hour ago
“The name Dum Dum has been derived from the Persian word ‘damdama’, which means a raised mound. The city of Dum Dum was founded in the year 1783. It was the headquarters of the Bengal artillery until 1853 and has an ammunition factory in which the firearms were first made.”~ Source:- The Interweb.
Well I never.