Ah, the game’s afoot! In the great state of Ohio, I cannot think of one single classification of a site or sites that would require a 6-month time frame to tour; certainly not cartoon. Also, the real Mr. Spinnerack would have left word to address the strange looking red-headed kid as ‘Petey’, and nothing else… Now Emilio, what have you done with Dan!?
As far as I can remember, the only places in Ohio to which I’ve been were Kirtland and Milan on a family road trip in the summer of 1998. Not so much of Cincinnati or Cleveland.
True fact: The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, which is part of the Ohio State University library system, “houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings,” according to their Web site! Dan Spinnerack must be planning an extensive research project amidst their collection of 2.5 million comic strips!
Andre, Petey and Loris could be the “rebirth” of the “Lone Gunmen” of X-Files fame. Andre and Petey are definitely susceptible to conspiracy theories like Frohike and Langley and Loris might end up being kind of like Byers but quicker moving.
gbars70 over 3 years ago
Ah, the game’s afoot! In the great state of Ohio, I cannot think of one single classification of a site or sites that would require a 6-month time frame to tour; certainly not cartoon. Also, the real Mr. Spinnerack would have left word to address the strange looking red-headed kid as ‘Petey’, and nothing else… Now Emilio, what have you done with Dan!?
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
As far as I can remember, the only places in Ohio to which I’ve been were Kirtland and Milan on a family road trip in the summer of 1998. Not so much of Cincinnati or Cleveland.
seismic-2 Premium Member over 3 years ago
True fact: The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, which is part of the Ohio State University library system, “houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials, and newspaper comic strip pages and clippings,” according to their Web site! Dan Spinnerack must be planning an extensive research project amidst their collection of 2.5 million comic strips!
Cornelius Noodleman over 3 years ago
I tried to draw but I broke my Crayon.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 3 years ago
There are six months worth of “historic cartoon sites” in Ohio? Is this some sort of religious penance, self-flagellation thing?
TampaFanatic1 over 3 years ago
Andre, Petey and Loris could be the “rebirth” of the “Lone Gunmen” of X-Files fame. Andre and Petey are definitely susceptible to conspiracy theories like Frohike and Langley and Loris might end up being kind of like Byers but quicker moving.
Nathan Daniels over 3 years ago
Is my memory failing me, or is this also the banjo man? I thought his name was Timmy Fretwork
A.Ficionada over 3 years ago
Loris again, the only one showing any signs of social skills
fritzoid Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’ll be looking for Real Mr. Spinnerack to be making an appearance in “Agnes.”
Amra Leo over 3 years ago
I only use one hair tie. Plus, rubber bands tend to pull hair out…
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
Not as many rubber bands as you use, little girl.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Five of those months to be spent in Chagrin Falls looking for the elusive Mr Watterson.
donwestonmysteries over 3 years ago
The one-eyed girl kind of freaks me out.
ZBicyclist Premium Member over 3 years ago
Don’t scoff at Ohio cartoonists: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2016/07/19/wait-just-how-did-ohio-become-the-cradle-of-great-cartoonists/
Ammosexual is loving #47 in Office again. Premium Member over 3 years ago
Petey really is a Serial Killer in training, what a damaged young man. How old is he suppose to be ? 9/10 ish good grief.
wykstrad over 3 years ago
I assume “a six-month tour of historic cartoon sites in Ohio” is code for “Stalking and/or trying to kidnap Bill Watterson.”
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
Loris is too quick to fall for conspiracy theories, whereas Andre generates them constantly and Petey buys into the ones that suit his Worldview.
Gotta feel kinda sorry for Emilio.
Give Emilio Spinnerack a chance!