Frazz by Jef Mallett for August 12, 2021

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    GreasyOldTam  over 3 years ago

    500%, but I take his point.

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  2. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  over 3 years ago

    Mallett (and Frazz) don’t do math very well. But it SOUNDS like it should be true. (He would have to play four TIMES harder, not 80% harder.)

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  3. Cat in lime helmet
    sappha58  over 3 years ago

    I think – not entirely certain, but think – that Mr Mallett is invoking the 80/20 rule.

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  4. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 3 years ago

    u-u-u-u-h-h-h, what?! Comic not clear to this non-math brain, but it seems Frazz is saying one has to crowd 4 times the enjoyment into summer to carry one through the rest of the year. Or not. :} )>

    I just remember spending lots of time in class recalling some of the good times of past summers and looking forward to the next.

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    Old Girl  over 3 years ago

    What?! Krazy math and no concept of physics principles.

    Go ahead and scoff at other people’s activities; that’s the attitude the country needs … NOT. But don’t also show ignorance of factual things that the country does need a handle on.

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    ajr58(1)  over 3 years ago

    Seems like a lot of work.

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    jessegooddoggy  over 3 years ago

    Indoors during the heat and humidity for me, outside when it’s nice and crisp. But I am no longer a child.

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    Cactus-Pete  over 3 years ago

    Frazz is not making any sense today.

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    christelisbetty  over 3 years ago

    20% blown to hell,arguing about how the time is wasted….or not.

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    FrankTAW  over 1 year ago

    Peculiar; Frazz is sitting on the swing, and the kid is pushing him.

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