Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for October 11, 2023
what's new in sitcom technology now your favorite wacky-family sitcom offers exciting dvd-style extra features! cast commentaries - fascinating insights from the stars themselves! oop: i'm really good in this scene! no - watch what i'm doing! extended director's cut - chock full of deleted jokes, plot contriv-ances, crowd scenes, helicopter shots & other digressions that really pump up the laffs! man: stampede! learned annotations - analysis of the genre by bernard ubby, ph.d., author of "rob petrie's ottoman: furniture groupings in the american sitcom." ubby: consider the centrality of the sofa to the comic mise en scene. prognostications - psychics reveal the stars futures in the "where will they be then?" feature! psychic: the annoying child star will rise to dominate world culture in hideously unforeseen ways...
Cpeckbourlioux over 1 year ago
I wonder how many of us remember Rob Petrie.
Droptma Styx over 1 year ago
Somebody said this about directors of sitcoms: remove the sofa from the set and theyâd have no idea what to do with the actors.
SteveHL over 1 year ago
The calmly smiling little girl in the first panel had three bowls of Sugar ânâ Honey Flakes between that picture and her return in panel four.
whawn over 1 year ago
That last panel is frighteningly on-point. cf. Shirley Temple, Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Ron HowardâŠ
Wilde Bill over 1 year ago
I wonder if the psychics predicted that she would, one day, host Jeopardy.
Dave over 1 year ago
In panel 4 the girl looks suspiciously like Alice in Cul-de-sac.
Sisyphos over 1 year ago
This ânew sitcom technologyâ is just way too much! To the limited extent that I watch sitcoms at all, Iâll take them plain and unadorned with such add-onsâŠ.