Defense budget? Infrastructure? Health Care? Education? Does it really matter? Apparently we (through the government) don’t really have to any funds on hand to pay for anything.
From experience, my recently deceased wife and I planted “catmint” which is a variety of catnip and it is EVERYWHERE because the “flowers” of the plant that the cats like are seeds and will spread and it also sends out runners, so a 3 dollar plant would leave a lot of money left over for maybe a scratching post or two. HAHA
BE THIS GUY over 3 years ago
And chew toys. Don’t forget the chew toys.
rekam Premium Member over 3 years ago
Ever see a cat with that stuff? If catnip solved all the problems, there’d be no wars.
Doug K over 3 years ago
Defense budget? Infrastructure? Health Care? Education? Does it really matter? Apparently we (through the government) don’t really have to any funds on hand to pay for anything.
jagedlo over 3 years ago
Enough to feed every cat in the US?
gopher gofer over 3 years ago
$700 billion… a paltry million or two of that and we could build whatever kind of house we want. and have change to spare, unlike the military…
John Leonard Premium Member over 3 years ago
Or schoolbooks, or medical coverage, or meals for the hungry, or homes for the homeless … You know, all that stuff we “can’t afford”.
uniquename over 3 years ago
And our troops are underpaid and our VA system is underfunded.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 3 years ago
At $19 a pound on Amazon, almost 37 Billion one-pound bags.
John9 over 3 years ago
From experience, my recently deceased wife and I planted “catmint” which is a variety of catnip and it is EVERYWHERE because the “flowers” of the plant that the cats like are seeds and will spread and it also sends out runners, so a 3 dollar plant would leave a lot of money left over for maybe a scratching post or two. HAHA
KEA over 3 years ago
about 200,000,000,000oz or 6,240,000 tons…or about 540 ounces for every (domestic type) cat in the world.
willie_mctell over 3 years ago
Even if you set aside some for tennis balls.
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 3 years ago
If it’s in the defense budget, the price will sky rocket, so not as much as you would think.
aussie399 Premium Member over 3 years ago
3 ashtrays for a stealthfighter. 2 portholes for a new sub. 50 advanced machine guns. A new propeller for a new aircraft carrier.One of. Not all.