My main exercise consists of daily walks. I’ve noticed recently that there are a lot of people pushing strollers with children who are surely old enough to walk. I don’t think it’s just the kids demanding to be pushed, although they may enjoy it. I think it’s the parents, who want to get in their exercise, but know that it’s too far for a four or five year old to walk, let alone run. Maybe they don’t have anyone else to watch the kids for an hour, or maybe they just want to spend the time with them.
Just thinking, maybe some of those grocery carts that get left in the parking lot are from parents who get the kids and groceries to the car and then don’t want to leave them to return the cart.
Apparently, I didn’t find being a baby boring, just maddening. The youngest of three, I was INFURIATED that my siblings were able and/or allowed to do things I couldn’t do.
gbars70 over 3 years ago
Next time, get a sitter for the twerp and take the van!
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
Alice learned no lesson.
Wilde Bill over 3 years ago
There go the eggs!
whahoppened over 3 years ago
I really like it when scenery can be drawn this way.
Kaputnik over 3 years ago
My main exercise consists of daily walks. I’ve noticed recently that there are a lot of people pushing strollers with children who are surely old enough to walk. I don’t think it’s just the kids demanding to be pushed, although they may enjoy it. I think it’s the parents, who want to get in their exercise, but know that it’s too far for a four or five year old to walk, let alone run. Maybe they don’t have anyone else to watch the kids for an hour, or maybe they just want to spend the time with them.
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 3 years ago
Trees separating the frames. Cute.
Diat60 over 3 years ago
I KNOW it’s a comic, but why didn’t Mom put her groceries in the stroller?
A.Ficionada over 3 years ago
I like the way the trees divide the time, but we get to see the whole landscape at once
Tentoes over 3 years ago
As a toddler-size 10-year-old, I could still reach my arms up to a grown up and get picked up.
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
And I hate to break it to you, Mom; but with some “children” you’ll be carrying them for the reset of their lives!
oldlady07 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Just thinking, maybe some of those grocery carts that get left in the parking lot are from parents who get the kids and groceries to the car and then don’t want to leave them to return the cart.
Teto85 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Mr Thompson knew his Eisner.
fritzoid Premium Member over 3 years ago
Apparently, I didn’t find being a baby boring, just maddening. The youngest of three, I was INFURIATED that my siblings were able and/or allowed to do things I couldn’t do.
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
One lost bag of groceries and a stroller. Narcissistic Alice acting up again.
Madeline can’t catch a break!
(Full Disclosure: I remember that one of my favorite phrases when I was somewhere around Alice’s age and was out with Mom and Dad was “Carry me up!”)
Longbow1964 over 3 years ago
I love how Richard used the trees as the borders on the panels.