I’m reminded of the scene from “Secondhand Lions,” wherein after growing a bumper crop of corn in the garden the brother’s McCann planted they tried setting up a stand at the end of the drive … it was full, for a very long time … after a bit the price tag on the sign was marked down to FREE … ;)
Had only a limited amount to give away as the garden did poorly this year. I think it was all the smoke from the forest fires. Must have blocked the light wave lengths the plants needed.
We have lots of stewed tomatoes and homemade salsa in the cold room. And zucchini-banana bread in the freezer. We got hailed out but our friends over-farming made up of for the loss.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
I’ll go for the —what the British Commonwealth calls them — courgettes; I’m not fond of —what Larry the cable guy calls his cartoon tow truck— maters.
juicebruce over 3 years ago
Was not able to do that this year due to Deer and Insect issues :-(
KenDHoward1 over 3 years ago
I’m reminded of the scene from “Secondhand Lions,” wherein after growing a bumper crop of corn in the garden the brother’s McCann planted they tried setting up a stand at the end of the drive … it was full, for a very long time … after a bit the price tag on the sign was marked down to FREE … ;)
Gent over 3 years ago
Must be an alternate universe. I has never seen anyone giving free vegetables.
Beaker over 3 years ago
Best way to get rid of free stuff is to put it at the roadside unattended with a $5 sign on it.
I'll fly away over 3 years ago
I put a sign on my table: Everything is FREE but the table. Thank you. never had anyone steal it.
MichaelSFC90 over 3 years ago
What wealth?
david_42 over 3 years ago
‘Stick of butter’ squash. If you buy your butter in 5 lb sticks.
nyssawho13 over 3 years ago
What wealth?Only two things that money can’t buy, that’s true love and home-grown tomatoes!
Guy Clark wrote but here’s John Denver to sing it:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etuszlplwpg
ctolson over 3 years ago
Had only a limited amount to give away as the garden did poorly this year. I think it was all the smoke from the forest fires. Must have blocked the light wave lengths the plants needed.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 3 years ago
We have lots of stewed tomatoes and homemade salsa in the cold room. And zucchini-banana bread in the freezer. We got hailed out but our friends over-farming made up of for the loss.
Gandalf over 3 years ago
I’ll take the tomatoes!
goboboyd over 3 years ago
A fountain drink with a straw? Better and insulated mug with hot apple cider.
Lord Flatulence Premium Member over 3 years ago
If they’re free, then why is he sitting there?
donut reply over 3 years ago
Don’t’ know why my wife would rather see the tomatoes rot than give them away.
majobis. over 3 years ago
I had a good year with the tomatoes ,cucumbers and rhubarb . I gave them to people at work
cerwilliams over 3 years ago
I can not believe that Pluggers are promoting SOCIALISM. That plugger EARNED his vegetables and the lazy left is just driving him out of business.