Michael Ramirez for September 27, 2021

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  almost 3 years ago

    Come on, Mikey. Surely you’ve noticed how terribly refugees are still being treated. Surely you can applaud that as much now as you did between 2016 and 2020.

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  2. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    And just like that, Michael Ramirez doubles down on the usual conservative reality-reversal LIE. And NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES RAMIREZ REPEATS HIS LIE, IT IS STILL A LIE.

    THERE ARE NO OPEN BORDERS under the Biden/Harris administration. Nor are there big blaring signs that seem to indicate open borders, with the truth hidden in the fine print, other than the outright lies from those like Trump and Ramirez who are trying to sabotage the Biden/Harris plans.

    The most immediate and obvious cause of problems at the border is that, in a direct attempt to sabotage Biden’s ability to deal with border issues, Trump and his media abettors sent out the FALSE message that Biden supports “open borders” and that they would be welcomed. This is not true, but created FALSE HOPE and dangled a DISHONEST invitation, which Trump did on purpose to create more border chaos. With the humanitarian exception of UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN and the legal exceptions for those who qualify as legitimate refugees, Biden is NOT allowing immigrants to enter illegally. And those who are allowed to process credible asylum claims are returned to their home countries if the claims are not adjudicated in their favor. In all cases (other than rogue border agents who are being promptly disciplined), the RULE OF LAW is finally being restored.

    It is far more cost effective to address CAUSES rather than SYMPTOMS, especially since the border problems are the results of REPUBLICAN failed policies going back decades. We are investing to SOLVE PROBLEMS THAT OUR NATION (under Republicans) CREATED due to problems that have their roots going back into the 1800’s, but more immediately the results of the failed international adventurism of Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower, and his reliance on the brutal foreign policies of brothers John Foster Dulles (Secretary of State) and Allen Dulles (CIA Director).

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  3. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  almost 3 years ago

    This is certainly ONE of the problem’s roots. Inadvertently. Because Ramirez is echoing the GQP’s party line on open borders “They’re bad, but Biden is keeping them open” … and they’ve been reasonably successful at that big lie. And this cartoon is part of that lie.

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  4. Large jesus facepalm
    Suede Civilian  almost 3 years ago

    Russian Traitor Ramirez desperately clutches for the STRAWMAN ARGUMENT D’ JOUR, desperately trying to criticize his betters (Democrats) over something that not a single Democrat supports or wants to happen.

    You should be drawing for fairy-tales books because your butter has slipped off your noodles, and you’re scribbling from the Land of Make Believe.

    With all the real things that are fair to criticize Biden and the Democrats about, you foolishly chose to go with something that isn’t even remotely real.

    If you think I’m wrong, then post a FACTUAL, REPUTABLE and RELIABLY CITATION that proves me wrong.

    Otherwise, go peddle your gaslighting elsewhere.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Trump Disciple Ramirez continues to LIE about every issue.

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  6. Pat new 150
    Patjade  almost 3 years ago

    Ramirez repeats the lie.

    RW media has been telling the world the border is open under Biden, despite the Administration saying it isn’t. People came and the RW media was right there to put as much of it out and blame Biden for the lie they created. the Administration wasted no time getting people processed and cleared out, yet you won’t hear a peep except they now have this propaganda about taking all these people and dropping them off in your towns, despite most of them being deported back to Haiti.

    The RW propagandists are so desperate to weave tales of chaos and horror to scare their idiot watchers and whip them into a frenzy, despite their own lawyers telling the courts that no reasonable person should believe a word that comes out from them.

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    baroden Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    The biggest problem are the racist GOP who no other platform than beating their racist drum against anyone that’s not white.

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    My First Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Has anyone seen Kamala? She’s in charge of this disaster. Oh, I know. Another softball interview with The View and MSNBC.

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  9. Mr haney
    NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    And let’s not forget that the Earth is FLAT, Covid is a hoax like Climate Change and the Vaccine contains ground up aborted fetuses!!! /S I added the “/S” because this statement is believed by many who follow Mr. Ramirez and I don’t want rational people to think I’m a follower!!

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  10. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 3 years ago

    If anyone south of the US border thinks there is an Open Border Policy with Biden, Foxnews, Newsmax & OAN have a whole lot more responsibility in creating this perception. I am guessing that documented and undocumented immigrants in the USA watch 1 or more of these channels, too (ok, maybe just Foxnews at most) and possibly let their desperate or even “just hard-up” friends and family know that, heyho! Biden has an Open Border Policy, come on up!

    Foxnews opinion hosts push this idea so much it is credible to everyone despite all evidence pointing to the contrary.

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    normankay  almost 3 years ago

    Go back in your hole!

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    The Nodding Head  almost 3 years ago

    Ramirez really wants the Goebbels Prize.

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    twclark  almost 3 years ago

    you’re sick

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  14. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  almost 3 years ago

    12,000 released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/dhs-secretary-as-many-as-12000-illegal-haitian-immigrants-released-into-the-us-in-recent-days_4015864.html/

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  15. Zooprofilepic
    yldchyld Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    How about you quit perpetuating the LIE so these people quit risking their lives only to be shipped back?

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  16. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 3 years ago

    I wonder if many of those posting here and maybe even some of the cartoonists are worried about being exposed by the great Epik data hack. From what I have read, some people have already lost their jobs because of the extreme racist views they were spreading through the Epik system. Those who study the troll behaviors on the web are finding the data released to be a treasure trove of information on extreme Right views and activities.

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    tamrich59  almost 3 years ago


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    smartgrr  almost 3 years ago

    And according to leftists, Biden is as bad as his predecessor. Which is it?

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  19. Database download 512
    jader3rd  almost 3 years ago

    The root of the problem is that conservatives keep saying that there is an open border, when there isn’t.

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  20. 3holycow
    cbgoldeneagle2  almost 3 years ago


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  21. Image
    MuddyUSA  Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Biden opens the border!

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    Zoturdley Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    My,my, quite the party this morning. The way you liberals have spun this has to make your heroes in Washington and their propaganda arm at CNN ,MSNBC, etc. very proud. You managed with your little history lessons to tie all of the immigration wrongs and failures to Republican leadership, while elevating their Democratic counterparts to sainthood. You have however one thing none of the past leaders had. A little thing known as hindsight. Pretty easy to see things after they happen. What hasn’t happened yet though is this absurd power-grab being put forth as the “infrastructure” boondoggle . Does anyone really believe that all of the money being bandied about is connected to building and renewing roads and bridges,etc. What a joke. Maybe you elite educated fools don’t know how much money is 5 trillion dollars. 5 trillion dollar bills laid out end to end will stretch to the moon and back. And your fearless leader sells it to you by declaring the rich people just have to pay more taxes. Surely you are smart enough to know that the rich won’t be paying the taxes. The have lawyers, economists,etc. to make sure that us middle -class folks will be paying the higher taxes through,WAIT FOR IT, INFLATION. So stop kidding yourselves.

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  23. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  almost 3 years ago

    Imagine there’s No countries, It isn’t hard to do

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  24. Frank
    Frankfreak  almost 3 years ago

    Patrick Murphy seems to think his comments are worth reading and responding too.

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    quixotic3  almost 3 years ago

    Ironically, it’s the Republicans that keep banging on about the border being open. I’ve yet to hear that “news” from a Democrat.

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  26. Fbab547a f046 46c4 98b5 08cf0dc801d6
    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    Heheh feel better now Wiz, after that tirade? Ahh, it’s okay, I guess this is the only place a failed writer like you can get published. Considering the poorly written lies and disinformation you post it’s no wonder that no one buys your garbage. Yeah Biden and VP QueMala Eres say that the border is closed but actions speak far more than words. No the border can’t be totally closed but there’s a big difference between President Trump’s actions, policies, enforcement of the laws and making public statements not to come to the USA which is totally the opposite of what Biden has done. Under Biden the border is EFFECTIVELY open despite what he says. Biden openly invited illegal aliens to cross the and “come” to America during the debates and many times on national media in the the run up to the elections. Everyone knows this and it’s easily verifiable.

    Then the distraction and attempt to divert away from the topic. Eisenhower and the 1800s? Seriously? What garbage. The Wiz might have some credibility if he even marginally attempted a bit of objectivity but no, he never does. Republicans bad, Democrats good is his mantra apparently going all the way back to the 1800s. Notice how he conveniently ignores the Democrats creation of the KKK, establishing Jim Crow laws, stand against women’s suffrage, segregation etc. Note how he trots out a list of Republican Presidents laying blame at their feet but doesn’t mention Democrats as if their hands aren’t bloody. Truman who got us into Vietnam. Kennedy and LBJ who escalated it. Carter bungling Iran and planting the seeds of militant Islamic terrorism. Clinton debasing the White House. Obama trashing the economy.

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    Even Ammosexual works more than 10 to 4 Premium Member almost 3 years ago

    That is Truth in Democrat Advertising. ALWAYS ALWAYS read the small print.

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  28. Pine marten3
    martens  almost 3 years ago

    ^Oh goody! A brand new RW troll! With all those incisive comments and well-founded theories that characterize them…

    Please, folks, don’t feed this one’s ego either.

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