Amazingly topical strip this AM, after the international Facebook outage Monday. Probably unintentional, but we can take a cue from Marigold and just quit Facebook and Instagram while the withdrawal pains won’t be too hard to bear. If you wonder what I’m talking about, check out the 60 minutes show last weekend. Full disclosure – I’ve never had an active Facebook or Instagram account and don’t miss it at all. If you only see what you “like” you can never grow.
Well, it’s still arguably the start of some research, so I’ll give Phoebe that much…otherwise, I’m inclined to agree with Marigold.
Humanity on average has gotten pathetically lazy about researching really any subject, despite having all these convenient tools around them nearly 24/7 that should be making it very easy. I mean, go figure, right?
Humanity is becoming more lazy and dumbed-down thanks to overdependence on, and addiction to, social media and stupidphones. There are too many people whose lives revolve around this ridiculous electronic gadget. Some can’t perform simple tasks without implementing some silly “phone app.”
The downfall of our civilization is on the horizon.
codycab over 3 years ago
Would a nice snuggle cheer you up, Marigold?
Averagemoe over 3 years ago
No, what’s sad is when humans claim to have done research, but get all defensive when you ask them to cite their sources.
Templo S.U.D. over 3 years ago
How else could Phoebe have helped?
Susan00100 over 3 years ago
Some humans make me MAD, Marigold!!
iggyman over 3 years ago
I guess Google is a little better than second hand info from an uncle’s barber or the like!
PN3904 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Amazingly topical strip this AM, after the international Facebook outage Monday. Probably unintentional, but we can take a cue from Marigold and just quit Facebook and Instagram while the withdrawal pains won’t be too hard to bear. If you wonder what I’m talking about, check out the 60 minutes show last weekend. Full disclosure – I’ve never had an active Facebook or Instagram account and don’t miss it at all. If you only see what you “like” you can never grow.
Aladar30 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Marigold, give her a chance!
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Yeah, they do tend to suck. Robots are where it’s at.
Neo Stryder over 3 years ago
To me they just frustrate me… al the time.
mistie710 over 3 years ago
I did my research. I KnO NuFffiNK!
owenwolf_76 over 3 years ago
Having seen how some campaigns have gone. I think Phoebe googleing one buzzword makes her more than qualified.
scyphi26 over 3 years ago
Well, it’s still arguably the start of some research, so I’ll give Phoebe that much…otherwise, I’m inclined to agree with Marigold.
Humanity on average has gotten pathetically lazy about researching really any subject, despite having all these convenient tools around them nearly 24/7 that should be making it very easy. I mean, go figure, right?
Whatever happened to common sense? over 3 years ago
Humanity is becoming more lazy and dumbed-down thanks to overdependence on, and addiction to, social media and stupidphones. There are too many people whose lives revolve around this ridiculous electronic gadget. Some can’t perform simple tasks without implementing some silly “phone app.”
The downfall of our civilization is on the horizon.
Thinkingblade over 3 years ago
As someone who is working on a Ph.D. dissertation – my understanding of what research is has changed a good deal.
Wichita1.0 over 3 years ago
What? You mean the Internet is not always reliable and/or factual in researching??
DDrazen over 3 years ago
Unless you submit a bibliography at least 2 pages long, you didn’t do research.
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 8 months ago
Research is MUCH MORE than that…