Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for October 12, 2021

  1. Robson 052 19 05 03  600x600
    More_Cats_Than_Sense  over 3 years ago

    Time for Tuesday Cats!

    TFTBCV#1 – Sound






    TFTBCV#4 – Sound & Music


    TFTBCV#5 – That Hairbrush is Moving!





















    Tuesday Bonus Bunnies!!

    TBBV#1 – Music










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  2. 009f1012 b5de 47ef baf3 1391e636c114
    LastRoseOfSummer 1  over 3 years ago

    The ideal kitty life, sleep 23/7. The extra hour is for eating, the kitty box and hatching wild schemes.

    We are currently having a severe wind storm. This house sounds like a Haunted house. With bangs, creaks, moans, whistles and rattling. I’m resigned to being up all night. Sometime tonite I should get snow flurries. The ground is too warm for it to stick. But it will warm back up and next week in the 70s.

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    laughingkitty  over 3 years ago

    Two shrimp a month is pretty lousy pay. Go to bed, Oliver and let them oversleep so you can get that bonus.

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  4. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  over 3 years ago

    Today is:

    National Farmer’s Day

    National Savings Day. I’ll be able to start saving more now with my raise!

    National Freethought Day

    National Gumbo Day

    National Vermont Day

    World Arthritis Day

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  5. 20230319 170055
    laughingkitty  over 3 years ago

    From yesterday’s comments about poor delivery services – we have a lot of trouble with that around here. It’s FedX, UPS, Amazon and the postal service. All of them are delivering packages to the wrong address. My next door neighbor was expecting a package once. She got a message that the package had been delivered, but it was delivered to my house, not hers. We both have visible house numbers on our houses, but that didn’t stop them from delivering to the wrong house. A local Facebook page is always getting posts from people asking if a package was delivered to their house by mistake. I realize that delivery drivers are human and capable of making mistakes, but this is ridiculous! It’s happening far too much.

    And even deliveries to stores are a big issue. We barely got any Halloween stuff in our store and we’ve been told not to expect any more to come in. With Halloween just 3 weeks away, it is pretty normal not to have any more coming in, but we should have gotten a ton more stuff than we have. We have plenty of candy, but very few costumes. Especially boy’s costumes. Not much of anything else, either. And we were even told if we need lights or other items for Christmas we should buy them now because we don’t know how much more we’ll be getting. Usually by this time, our Christmas aisles are filled. Not so this year. And I’m having an awful time finding my Friskies canned cat food (the pate kind) which I use to treat my cats at bedtime. My oldest cats, Fluffy and Dexter were getting too skinny so they need the canned food to put on some weight.

    They said on the news tonight that deliveries were being delayed, but they urged people not to start hoarding toilet paper, canned soup and bottled water like they did last year. I think that warning NOT to hoard is just the trigger they need to start hoarding again. Be prepared for lots of empty store shelves.

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  6. 041ce150 741f 443a aa6a 84618520b989 1 201 a
    jessegooddoggy  over 3 years ago

    Oliver should not count on being paid, and go take a nap with Woof.

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  7. Image
    diskus Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Pay up front

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  8. Jettink
    Neal Janzen Premium Member over 3 years ago

    We have several cats so cat food if VERY necessary. Plus we feed feral groups. Friskies is hard to find, especially in flavors the cats like. Stuff they don’t like is everywhere! I love to hear from people who say “if they get hungry enough..they will eat eat it!” That person has not owned a hard headed cat!! No, they will not and will get very skinny. We have had very good luck with “Chewy’s” on line..and Amazon as well. Otherwise it’s going from store to store and buying up whatever few cans they have left. “Mariners” seems to be missing everywhere and it’s a favorite. Only thing I can recommend it hunting and trying different flavors hoping you can hit on something they will eat. Be well everyone…I have not posted in a very long time, but I have had some health issues that are getting resolved. Oh, to those who remember “Tuffy”…he is still around at almost two years old now. He was not supposed to live more than 6 months! He is a wonder cat..mostly blind now, but still just another normal cat. Be well everyone…

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  9.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  over 3 years ago

    Great pictures today. :)

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  10.  h366 w650 m6 otrue lfalse
    tad1  over 3 years ago

    Sounds like a win-win situation, although they really should be paying Oliver more. Plus, Annie doesn’t have to deal with Chesney constantly hassling her for a while. On another note, saw a robin, a crow, and a hawk while out walking today.

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