Da F@#$. . .
Now we know why El Jefe has to wear armour….. It’s Justin Case……
You’ve stumped me. The source for “so cruel and base ….” is ?
I figured he was just being held until he buys Karen an new boat.
Ok, on the bookshelf we have War and Peace, (Lonesome Dove? Nah.) Prince of Tides, Dumas (I’m guessing Three Musketeers) and Miserable Les.
All that and a Cheech Wizard cameo
Maybe that was his “soul” and it went back to the “body” in the web. Doesn’t really work that way does it though.
What’s that item next to Snoopy?
The Evil Cartoonist raises his head again, cackling with Glee as all the characters suffer and bleed …
For our Ghod is a jealous god, and has a LOUSY sense of humor!
EL JEFE! —The Scourge of Cartoon Characters! The Daimon of Disaster! The Glorious Giver of Gloom!
Oh, mend your wicked ways, Sir!
I sense the “Tinkerbell effect” to at work here….
Don’t overlook the Cheech Wizard on the top shelf.
A Truffula tree???
Cactus Jack Fan over 3 years ago
Da F@#$. . .
BigDaveGlass over 3 years ago
Now we know why El Jefe has to wear armour….. It’s Justin Case……
Mighty Phavahg over 3 years ago
You’ve stumped me. The source for “so cruel and base ….” is ?
bobpeters61 over 3 years ago
I figured he was just being held until he buys Karen an new boat.
Durak Premium Member over 3 years ago
Ok, on the bookshelf we have War and Peace, (Lonesome Dove? Nah.) Prince of Tides, Dumas (I’m guessing Three Musketeers) and Miserable Les.
rwc0cwr over 3 years ago
All that and a Cheech Wizard cameo
John9 over 3 years ago
Maybe that was his “soul” and it went back to the “body” in the web. Doesn’t really work that way does it though.
AMBER1 over 3 years ago
What’s that item next to Snoopy?
bakana over 3 years ago
The Evil Cartoonist raises his head again, cackling with Glee as all the characters suffer and bleed …
Ed Brault Premium Member over 3 years ago
For our Ghod is a jealous god, and has a LOUSY sense of humor!
Sisyphos over 3 years ago
EL JEFE! —The Scourge of Cartoon Characters! The Daimon of Disaster! The Glorious Giver of Gloom!
Oh, mend your wicked ways, Sir!
everett_r0 over 3 years ago
I sense the “Tinkerbell effect” to at work here….
jmoore78 over 3 years ago
Don’t overlook the Cheech Wizard on the top shelf.
Lauren Kramer Premium Member over 3 years ago
A Truffula tree???