The Buckets by Greg Cravens for January 10, 2022

  1. Calvins
    Algolei I  about 3 years ago

    You might be able to book a free conference room at your local public library, if they have them. It used to be free of charge. Not sure about that any more though.

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  2. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  about 3 years ago

    We ordered something the last time we came in, does that count?

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  3. Whatever  about 3 years ago

    Why is there a voice demanding ordering but no waiter/waitress attending the table? Do you have to order at the bar where they live? (That is the MO in Britain, but not in France, e.g.)

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  4. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member about 3 years ago

    As for the ‘Spot the big difference’ game yesterday. I finally answered. Everyone had perfectly sound guesses- though no one hit on the one thing I’d never done before. Have another look and see if you can finally guess before you check the comments.

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    Teto85 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    In group therapy there is supposedly a therapist.

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    dogday Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Years ago there was what we’d call a fast-casual restaurant in our town. Had THE best fish sandwiches. Also became the after-date hang-out for local teenagers. Not looking for trouble, just a place to talk, drink coffee, grab the occasional burger, etc. My then-boyfriend and I drank a LOT of coffee there. One evening a waitress with whom we were familiar (and to whom we were always considerate and polite and whom we always tipped) had a sudden nervous breakdown at our table when we ordered coffee. Started yelling that she wasn’t a servant, that we couldn’t talk to her that way (“Two coffees, please”??), just ranting on and on. We didn’t see her again, that evening or any other time. I think she’d just had it and felt safe taking it out on us. It’s not an easy gig.

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