Bottom Liners by Eric and Bill Teitelbaum for January 18, 2022

  1. 144873 avatar
    kingdiamond69  about 3 years ago

    My vote for Biden was not because I liked him it was because I could not take one more minute of that fat fascist pig gushing all over himself and self congratulating himself for doing nothing of substance for all Americans.

    Republican voters need to push him out of the picture and move on from Trumpisim or be prepared to never see their party with another presidential election.

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 3 years ago

    What I still cannot grasp is how there are intelligent people who do not see (more likely refuse to see) T-Rump’s danger to America.

    But I should not be surprised when the schools didn’t teach them to think, when their religions teach them not to think, and the universities teach that thinking is futile.

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    papajim545  about 3 years ago

    That was MY reason exactly also, too

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  4. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Sadly Republicans are scared of tRump and his tRumpublicans. Well either that or they have fallen in love with the newest conspiracy theory that JFK Jr. is actually alive and will be coming back to be tRumps VP in a 2024 run.

    Some of this stuff you just can’t make up folks. Crazy breeds crazier.

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    admiree2  about 3 years ago

    Whenever you get the chance just let any orange troll know that DeSantis is the new improved God and that The Fat Orange Clown is out. Talk about how so many know that the FOCer hasn’t a chance and nobody wants his endorsement.

    “Let’s you and me watch them fight.”

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    raybarb44  about 3 years ago

    Character traits of all great leaders…..

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  7. Coyote3
    AZCoyote  about 3 years ago

    Why can’t people just get over it and move on?

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    DenO Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Trump certainly had the oddest presidential personality. Yet, despite being attacked everyday, he never gave up on his campaign promises, and fought back everyday. He also secured the border, lowered my taxes, improved the VAH, supported veterans and police, supported HBCU, significantly decreased unemployment, and so much more. If he would just stay off social media and the evening news, like Biden, I just might vote for him. But, personality matters more to many of the Biden and Trump haters.

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    aussie399 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    And yet Trump, at least from my viewpoint in Australia, had your country gaining ground in virtually all the important areas until covid came along.A pity that so many on the left of politics simply choose to shut their mind to those FACTS because of their blinkered view of their own often ridiculous “pet projects” many of which would bankrupt your country and badly hurt many of the citizens.Trump may on occasion be a h@st@rd but I’d much rather have a b@st@rd doing a good job of running the country than an “apparent” good guy screwing everything up with the willing help of their party.

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