Betty by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen for January 27, 2022

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  about 3 years ago

    Who ever shot a frozen turkey?

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    fuzzbucket Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Too true. I was a hunter, 50 years ago. I didn’t like killing things, so I quit… but I sure didn’t quit eating meat!

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    LastRoseOfSummer 1 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    If you shoot a frozen turkey wouldn’t the bullets bounce right off?…….LOL

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    Shirl Summ Premium Member about 3 years ago

    It should say AND cans FOR targets. This is the second day in a row that the text has been mish-mashed.

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  5. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Bub is absolutely correct. A little refresher on shooting and gun safety, maybe a visit to a range, and give hunting a try. Best to go with an experienced hunter, though, so you can learn the “in and outs.” If you actually DO shoot something, you need to know what to do with it. But Betty is right, too. Big difference between picking it up all neatly packaged at the butcher and having to do that yourself.

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  6. Ironbde
    Carl  Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Shooting is easy, its the gutting, skinning, cleaning and such that is hard and messy.

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    david_42  about 3 years ago

    IIRC a turkey shoot involves a shotgun and a randomly numbered target. As long as you hit the piece of paper 20 feet away, you were in the game.

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    DawnQuinn1  about 3 years ago

    For once I agree with Betty.

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  9. Vicki vola square
    jth  about 3 years ago

    How would she know?

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  10. Captain smokeblower
    poppacapsmokeblower  about 3 years ago

    It’s not the shooting that’s difficult, it’s the cleaning and gutting that’s hard, and in the case of elk and moose, carting it five miles out to be butchered.

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    Alberta Oil  about 3 years ago

    Shooting a frozen turkey is easy enough as they can’t run or duck.. but they do tend to blow up if you use the right calibre of bullet.

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    Plods with ...™  about 3 years ago

    I just went after the garden pests.

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