Also, the gazpacho tab is astronomical.
Doug’s got to be in there somewhere too. If only there was a tutorial on how to find Doug.
Hmm… Me is intrigued whether Doug is disguised as Doggity Dogg thedog who likes falafel.
Rueben forgot to include Julius Caesar. I mean c’mon, he has to have a dressing for this word salad.
Let us see some character development, then do a spin off with the most popular ones.
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, and Dallas Taylor, and Greg Reeves, and Joe the engineer, and Sam the producer….
You could put the ghost of James Caan behind the titles.
Hi? Does Lois know about this?
This one is neither Epic! Nor Brutal!, just clownish
George Carlin referred to “Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Sacco and Vanzetti.”
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith (with Spark Plug).
That vague feeling that you don’t have enough gazpacho for the whole cast.
August 09, 2014
danketaz Premium Member about 3 years ago
Also, the gazpacho tab is astronomical.
Gent about 3 years ago
Doug’s got to be in there somewhere too. If only there was a tutorial on how to find Doug.
Gent about 3 years ago
Hmm… Me is intrigued whether Doug is disguised as Doggity Dogg thedog who likes falafel.
Dr. Quatermass about 3 years ago
Rueben forgot to include Julius Caesar. I mean c’mon, he has to have a dressing for this word salad.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member about 3 years ago
Let us see some character development, then do a spin off with the most popular ones.
wrd2255 about 3 years ago
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, and Dallas Taylor, and Greg Reeves, and Joe the engineer, and Sam the producer….
Kaputnik about 3 years ago
You could put the ghost of James Caan behind the titles.
Indianapolis Smith about 3 years ago
Hi? Does Lois know about this?
^ about 3 years ago
This one is neither Epic! Nor Brutal!, just clownish
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member about 3 years ago
George Carlin referred to “Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Sacco and Vanzetti.”
Solstice*1947 about 3 years ago
Barney Google and Snuffy Smith (with Spark Plug).
julie.mason1 Premium Member about 3 years ago
That vague feeling that you don’t have enough gazpacho for the whole cast.