Lisa Benson for February 04, 2022

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    IndyW  over 2 years ago

    As per Nancy Pelosi.

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    jhayesd31  over 2 years ago

    Could Benson be More irrelevant?

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    flpmlp  over 2 years ago

    Could Lisa Benson be more correct?

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    Bambihunter6  over 2 years ago

    Nancy Pelosi said it. From yesterday’s Washington Examiner: ‘Nancy Pelosi urged U.S. Olympic athletes not to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses while in Beijing, saying the athletes shouldn’t risk “incurring the anger” of the “ruthless” CCP.’

    On the positive side, she also condemned the Olympic Committee for hold the Games there.

    What the Left cannot figure out is the truth.

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    jhayesd31  over 2 years ago

    Washington Examiner….. The Moonies???

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    What a hypocrite, besides making money off of China, how are you, Nasty, leading by example?

    Pelosi Warns Olympic Athletes against Protesting China at Beijing Games

    “Now the IOC, aided by corporate sponsors, once again turns a blind eye with the 2022 Winter Olympics, just to bolster their bottom line,” Pelosi added. “If we do not speak out against human rights violations in China because of commercial interest, we lose all moral authority to speak out against human rights violations anywhere.”

    -National Review

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    This sums it up well. Yes Joe, China is eating our lunch.

    A report in the New York Times, published on January 22, 2022, put it well: “Very few people today harbor illusions, unlike in 2008, that the privilege of hosting the event will moderate the country’s authoritarian policies. China then sought to meet the world’s terms. Now the world must accept China’s.”

    Why and how you ask?

    On January 12, Stephen Wade of the Associated Press had a report, which began, “The Beijing Winter Olympics are fraught with potential hazards for major sponsors, who are trying to remain quiet about China’s human rights record while protecting at least $1 billion they’ve collectively paid to the IOC.”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    xenophobia, racism, white supremacy, antisemitism, anti-Muslim

    Well look where the Dims talking points come from, the UN, or, is it the other way around?

    U.N. Secretary-General Doubles Down on Olympics Attendance amid Uyghur Genocide

    The Olympic Games are a symbol of unity, mutual respect, and cooperation “of peoples of different cultures, of different religions, of different ethnicities,” Guterres said on Friday. “This is more important than ever when we see xenophobia, when we see racism, when we see white supremacy, when we see antisemitism, when we see anti-Muslim hatred proliferating all over the world.”

    -National Review, oh, they lean right, they must be making up these quotes.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Lisa as a contrast to this try going to a R convention and saying the words “There was no election fraud”.

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    jhayesd31  over 2 years ago

    Mr. ( i assume Most asshats of his variety are) Cut and Paste is at it again.

    Dude IF was interested in you Lies I could look up Myself on Fox News.

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  11. Chimp
    Lou Nattic, né Stan C  over 2 years ago

    ^Um…. What?

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    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member over 2 years ago


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    lawguy05  over 2 years ago

    Yep – the Demoncrats firmly believe in censorship – just like Xi.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    JOE BIDEN, THE PRESIDENT, CLAIMS OUR CONSTITUTION IS ‘ALWAYS EVOLVING’ IN TERMS OF ‘CURTAILING RIGHTS’ – Yup, watch your mouth here in America, no free speech for you, must be DNC certified.

    The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. A document that, among other things, protects the rights of the people from an overarching government. Joe Biden allegedly swore to uphold the Constitution a year ago. Yesterday, this feeble, puddingbrained, just-pooped-his-pants old coot said the Constitution evolves to curtail our rights.

    Yes. The President of the United States thinks the Constitution can transform to limit the rights of the American people. That is the exact opposite reason for us having the Constitution.

    “There’s been a renewed national debate when any president nominates a Justice Because the constitution is always evolving slightly in terms of additional rights and curtailing rights, etc.”

    Hearing a politician — the President of the United States — say that the Constitution evolves to CURTAIL rights is new. And terrifying. This is a president who, as hard as he and the people who control him have tried, had the Supreme Court tell him he couldn’t curtail rights not once twice in the past year.

    This is why we tell you to pay attention to Australia. Or Canada. Those countries are what happens when citizens don’t have a supreme law that protects them from an overzealous federal government. We’ve been saying that if Joe Biden or the people who control Joe Biden could get away with it, they’d pull the same restrictions Australia and Canada did. Now we have the President of the United States thinking out loud Constitution gives him the right to do so.

    Do we have your attention now? – Louder with Crowder

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    According to the form, the parent said they believed that the purposes of the book were to indoctrinate children into “the leftist movement with a negatively slanted view of another president” and “reverse racism — wanting young white girls to believe that the way they talk is a culturally unacceptable way in today’s society.”

    “Complete leftists indoctrination is being placed on any child that reads this book,” the parent said on the form.

    While the attempt to get the book banned failed, Insider previously reported, this is one of the numerous attempts to ban books about race, gender, and sexuality across the country, as well as attempts to ban critical race theory.

    “As an author, a reader, and a parent, I’m against book banning on principle,” Schwartz, the author of the Obama biography, told Insider Wednesday. “There couldn’t be a safer way for kids to learn about difficult topics, gain new perspectives, and explore the world and their place in it than by reading words on a page.”

    Yeah, until it’s a conservative podcast, book or speaker, then censor, block, ban away!

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    ..and here is just one example of the hypocrisy, notice this list in this article was banned, Obamasaman’s book was not.

    Gene Ponder, a teacher of Advanced Placement Government/Economics at Spanish Fort High School, compiled a list of 31 books for summer reading. Students only had to choose one book. Nearly every book is of the conservative to libertarian variety.

    To no one’s surprise, there was a general freak out by the establishment statist educators.

    Baldwin County Board of Education President Shannon Cauley told Gulf Coast News Today that she became aware of the issue through social media and alerted the superintendent.

    “As a courtesy, the school principal called to let me know that the list had been removed and assignment canceled,” Cauley said in a Facebook post. “He’ll be sending an email to all senior students/parents to notify them that there will be no summer reading assignment for this AP government class.”

    Superintendent Eddie Tyler confirmed that in a statement, saying the teacher had removed the reading list. It is no longer on the school website.

    “Mr. Ponder’s reading list that is going around on social media has not been endorsed by the school system,” Tyler wrote. “The list has been removed by the teacher. Baldwin County Public Schools has a process to vet and approve reading lists so that a variety of sources are used. I expect all employees to follow our processes, procedures and policies.” (Miami Herald)

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    ^^ Diarrhea Keyboard seems to know more discredited tinfoil hat sources than your average nutjob.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Buckle up Buttercups:The Fate of Joe Biden’s Presidency Is Now in This Guy’s HandsJordan Weissmann – One such voice is John Jay College economist J.W. Mason, who recently argued in Barron’s that the Fed simply isn’t capable of fine-tuning inflation. “Larry Summers has said a lot of things I disagree with recently,” Mason told me. “But one thing he’s said that I do agree with is that there’s no reason to think the Fed can engineer a smooth landing. They either provoke a recession or don’t do much of anything at all.”The Fed critics’ biggest cause for pessimism is simply the historical record. Since the 1950s, almost every major inflationary episode in the United States has ended with an economic downturn after the Fed tightened monetary policy. The most famous example occurred during the early 1980s, when the Fed under Chairman Paul Volcker managed to get the CPI on a leash only by dragging the country through a severe double-dip recession that saw unemployment top 10 percent. But there are also cases from the 1950s, ’60s, and mid-’70s. When the Fed launches an all-out war on inflation, the economy is typically a casualty.As University of Oregon Professor Tim Duy put it to me: “Has [inflation] ever really reverted without some sort of Fed action that triggers a recession? I would say that within any reasonable time span, the answer is no.” You don’t get many “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenarios clearer than that—at least if you’re a president asking voters for a second term.

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    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    “cdbro” seems to be on amphetamines again and living in the RNC backroom.

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    FrankErnesto  over 2 years ago

    Take it up with the IOC, they are the people that sold the Olympics to China.

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    gammaguy  over 2 years ago

    That’s right, Lisa, it’s only in the US that you think protesters should be silenced… and then, only the ones you disagree with.

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    Jane b Lee  over 2 years ago

    That is what Nancy Pelosi said to the athletes to protect her Chines Investments.

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    Patjade  over 2 years ago

    ^^ Another Fox Watcher chimes in.

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    UnklGene  over 2 years ago

    Don’t speak Dutch at the Games. They’ll Uyghar you!

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    WittyWeasel  over 2 years ago

    Lisa . . . where are all your lefty trolls on this one ? . . . . " crickets ! " :-)

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    washatkc Premium Member over 2 years ago

    We should not be there. Nothing to do with Republican or Democrats. Its based on human issues. We should be united against China.

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    TrulyTexan  over 2 years ago

    Must be like when trumpenfuhrer was demanding retaliation against anyone who criticized him.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Wow, new evidence of something many of us have been saying for over a year? Published on, we rate MSN News strongly Left-Center biased, with most stories coming from Left-Center sources. We also rate them High for factual reporting because the majority of sources used are credible media outlets. Detailed Report Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER Factual Reporting: HIGH Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom) Media Type: News (MSN News) – Media Bias/Fact


    Thank god for Fauci, MSM, and the other POS’s in charge of propaganda. They are always right up on the latest news “cause it’s about health”

    Vitamin D could be a piece of COVID-19’s ‘complex puzzle,’ Israeli scientists say, after a new study finds a link between deficiency and severe (Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce) – Yesterday 11:51 AM

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    gopher gofer says 4 days ago: for anyone who’s interested, the moderator’s email address is…

    The left’s idea of how to debate!

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Funny what a difference the truth makes

    Remember how local, small businesses were forced to close down due to the virus? Funny how the virus didn’t shop at Target, Walmart, Amazon, and it was ok for those workers to continue working during a pandemic.

    Remember the videos of Police placing caution tape around playgrounds and dragging kids & parents off the playgrounds when some dared to play there anyway? Funny how just a year before that, police were ordered to stand by while peaceful protestors rioted, looted, committed arson, murder and assault?

    Remember the videos of women getting tackled for questioning their right to go into a store without a mask? Funny how the police are told to stand by and watch as others walk out of stores with their 5 finger reparations or ignore others who shoot up, pass out and defecate in public parks.

    Remember the videos of and articles about hospitals willing to punish unvaxxed parents of children in medical need and withhold transplants and other surgeries to unvaxxed patients. Funny how illegal immigrants are given tax paid healthcare after breaking the laws of our country.

    Remember how when Trump was in office the MSM prominently displayed a daily tally of Covid deaths & hospitalizations? Funny, now that Ole Puddinhead is in, the displays stopped and now the deaths & hospitalizations are properly counted by deaths & hospitalizations from covid, not with covid.

    Funny, if any of this seems ok to you, then you are part of the problem. Please stop voting, you are not worthy of the right.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    So glad the “adults” are back in charge.

    Sen. Marsha Blackburn sent a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra expressing her “grave concerns” about program that could reportedly use taxpayer money to distribute crack pipes to drug addicts.

    Women arrested for human smuggling growls at border police, they are coached to act crazy if caught…

    Biden’s Deputy National Security Adviser Says Americans Should Care About Ukraine Because ‘Borders Should be Inviolate” — As Record 518,360 Illegals Invade US Border in First Fiscal Quarter of Year

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