I worked for a company that got bought out and then bought out again three months later.
The head of the office who took over in the first buyout complained that he was only getting $15 million of his promised $50 million bonus because of the proration.
Gee, how dumb I am. I was thinking the number indicated how many new CEO’s the company had gained from the number of turnovers, buy-outs, and takeovers in recent years. Seems many hardly get up to near stock market listing and someone else buys them for way more than they might be worth. That is, the ones that don’t fizzle in the off.
allen@home almost 3 years ago
The buck never leaves here.
LeslieBark almost 3 years ago
That’s about 4 zeros more than he’ll ever see.
dflak almost 3 years ago
Trickle down works. For every $1,000,000 a CEO makes, $1 makes it down to the workforce.
dflak almost 3 years ago
I worked for a company that got bought out and then bought out again three months later.
The head of the office who took over in the first buyout complained that he was only getting $15 million of his promised $50 million bonus because of the proration.
Comics fan Premium Member almost 3 years ago
sandpiper almost 3 years ago
Gee, how dumb I am. I was thinking the number indicated how many new CEO’s the company had gained from the number of turnovers, buy-outs, and takeovers in recent years. Seems many hardly get up to near stock market listing and someone else buys them for way more than they might be worth. That is, the ones that don’t fizzle in the off.
formathe almost 3 years ago
Ah yes, one of the few positions where you negotiate your exit package before they hire you.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
There is one reason and one reason only why the billionaires and millionaires want everyone back to work early. They don’t make their money. You do.
Plods with ...™ almost 3 years ago
One more zero and he’ll have enough to get fired
magicwalnut almost 3 years ago
Excellent, Jeff!
Darryl Heine almost 3 years ago
CE several zeroes?