Unfortunately, with Joel not currently able to access his pipe and pipe tobacco, he is having a rough go of things. His pipe gives him solace and a contemplative mindset….. and it would surely help him in the current predicament. I can sure understand his prior words on the subject, where he stated, “I feel nekkid without my pipe.” It is indeed a sad time in Gasoline Alley.
AnyFace almost 3 years ago
“Chasms” are things Jim draws well. ✨
Dirty Dragon almost 3 years ago
Aw, Joel and Rufus crossing a bridge without Becky and the cart just wouldn’t be the same.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray almost 3 years ago
Good morning, gully gawkers !
Susan00100 almost 3 years ago
Why not just do what Broom Hilda and her little pals are doing today??
SofaKing Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Was it the bridge Rufus and Joel tried to cross in the 60s with Becky, the cart, th’ jug and th’ fool cat? almost 3 years ago
Well,Joel and Rufus will now start chopping down trees to build a bridge across the gully.
But first they’ve got to find a magic lamp to rub so they can ask the Genie for an axe.
tz10999 almost 3 years ago
i sure hope they are not going to try to jump across.
Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Unfortunately, with Joel not currently able to access his pipe and pipe tobacco, he is having a rough go of things. His pipe gives him solace and a contemplative mindset….. and it would surely help him in the current predicament. I can sure understand his prior words on the subject, where he stated, “I feel nekkid without my pipe.” It is indeed a sad time in Gasoline Alley.
omegasupreme almost 3 years ago
wish they were on the bridge when it fell
BlitzMcD almost 3 years ago
They are doomed to wander in the wilderness……