That would be a war I wouldn’t want to get into. It’s called a trade-off. She does the work of the housekeeper/nanny/cook, while he provides the cash to pay the bills – which she is often shown actually being the one to pay. If you start itemizing how much each “owes” the other, a marriage is doomed.
The comic is supposed to be a joke. She hardly expects him to actually pay her.
Why the laundry bill? How long was he gone? I can see maybe getting a shirt cleaned, but unless he spilled something on them, who needs to clean two suits, neckties and some slacks for a short business trip?
Sherlock5 over 1 year ago
Charge her for the groceries, house payment, gas for the car, etc.
chyrbalis about 1 year ago
That would be a war I wouldn’t want to get into. It’s called a trade-off. She does the work of the housekeeper/nanny/cook, while he provides the cash to pay the bills – which she is often shown actually being the one to pay. If you start itemizing how much each “owes” the other, a marriage is doomed.
The comic is supposed to be a joke. She hardly expects him to actually pay her.
Sherlock5 8 months ago
Why the laundry bill? How long was he gone? I can see maybe getting a shirt cleaned, but unless he spilled something on them, who needs to clean two suits, neckties and some slacks for a short business trip?