Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for July 02, 1990
July 01, 1990
July 03, 1990
What do you say we relax and do a little cuddling on the couch? Are you kidding? I've got a million things to do! I appreciate the offer, but with the new baby, there just isn't time right now. I was here first!
ToneeRhianRose over 2 years ago
Haha! XD
windjammers over 2 years ago
Darryl should be doing half the housework and cooking.
Cave Maths almost 2 years ago
As an older brother (I was 10 when my brother was born) I can definitely relate.
Sherlock5 9 months ago
There are few things that can’t be put off for a little while so one can show affection for their spouse.
Elbiff Mow Mow 4 months ago
If she has so much to do and Darryl wants to cuddle, he can help and then she can. As a matter of fact, why isn’t he?