Prickly City by Scott Stantis for February 28, 2022

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    B 8671  about 3 years ago

    Winslow doesn’t want to work for the good of the people? What is he, a republican in disguise?

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    Wilde Bill  about 3 years ago

    How can there be any actual work when there is no actual campaign?

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    ibFrank  about 3 years ago

    That the way it is one person think up an idea an another does the work.

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    braindead Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Paul Manafort is available, I’ve heard.

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    rossevrymn  about 3 years ago

    Carmen, I’ll meet you in the French Quarter tomorrow as King Zulu arrives at Basin at Canal…………………..did you ditch Stantis, yet?: ………………………………………………Why did the libertarian cross the road? What road?

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    Grace's CRs, KY & Budgets, Unlimited.  about 3 years ago

    Thinking up different ways to lie to voters is hard work.

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    christelisbetty  about 3 years ago

    Winslow, you get to take the fall, when Carmen screws up.

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    timbob2313 Premium Member about 3 years ago

    And what happened to the yuge billboard just outside her little shack that Hunny Bunny put up? Neither the old GOP nor its current iteration, the GQP/TPOT ever “worried” or wasted any time/$$$ on any 3rd party candidate because the only thing ever doing oppo research on a GQP lite aka Libertarian candidate would accomplish would be to actually bring the 3rd Party candidate to the attention of the GQP/TPOT base

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    Bradley Walker  about 3 years ago

    Are these primaries open or closed? Can non-Libertarians vote in them, and conversely, Libertarians vote in one of the Big Two?

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