Baby birds often land on the ground for a day or two when they’re learning to fly but aren’t quite there yet. Their parents know where they are and feed them down there and pretty quickly they’ve got it and off they go.
The only birds my cats have ever caught (2 by 2 different cats) were just brought home as presents for me. Then they were dropped and allowed to fly away.
Several folks are commenting about a change of heart for Scratch, evidence of good in him, etc. If you look at the arc of this comic from its beginnings in July 1990, I think you see a general trend in that direction. In the early days Captain Crow sought to cheat the crew, the crew all sought to cheat him and each other and everyone else, the jokes were at the expense of someone’s stupidity. It was funny, and I have loved it all along. But I also love that slowly, over time (32 years), the crew has become more of a family, tolerant of each other’s shortcomings, more likely to treat each other with kindness. Not always, of course. But it is quite heartening and encouraging. I can’t help but wonder if this is a conscious plan on Chip’s part or just natural evolution of characters. In any case, I like it, and I find this is the one strip I make sure to not miss. It is what is needed today, where if I want to see people treating each other badly I can just look at the news.
C almost 3 years ago
Someone will tweet this
ronaldspence almost 3 years ago
Maybe Scratch is not all bad after all!
nicka93 almost 3 years ago
If you deny an act long enough, even you begin to believe it.
emjay1914 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Scratch the surface and inside is an undeniable kind heart.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Good morning Crew!
Papakillamon almost 3 years ago
Who are you going to believe?
Serial Pedant almost 3 years ago
The male’s ultimate refuge, the three Ds: Deny, Deny, Deny.Rinse, repeat.
Rick Parkhurst Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Three Cheers for Scratch!
Dirty Dragon almost 3 years ago
Deny, Deny, Deny!
turkeycreekacres Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Louie is such a good influence!
DNCoyote almost 3 years ago
Scratch is just plain cool:)
capkidd almost 3 years ago
Overboard continues to be the best strip.
Bilan almost 3 years ago
Scratch must have just eaten.
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Baby birds often land on the ground for a day or two when they’re learning to fly but aren’t quite there yet. Their parents know where they are and feed them down there and pretty quickly they’ve got it and off they go.
Ginny Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Finally! Scratch does something nice..
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 3 years ago
Like anyone would believe Scratch did that.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 3 years ago
A soft heart under a rough exterior.
Good evening, Crew!
square body trucks for life! almost 3 years ago
Mabey your right
rgcviper almost 3 years ago
Is Scratch having a change of heart? Stay tuned!
Good Evening, Crew. Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The only birds my cats have ever caught (2 by 2 different cats) were just brought home as presents for me. Then they were dropped and allowed to fly away.
amethyst52 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
And Louie would bite your butt if you hurt that little bird!
daking27 almost 3 years ago
Several folks are commenting about a change of heart for Scratch, evidence of good in him, etc. If you look at the arc of this comic from its beginnings in July 1990, I think you see a general trend in that direction. In the early days Captain Crow sought to cheat the crew, the crew all sought to cheat him and each other and everyone else, the jokes were at the expense of someone’s stupidity. It was funny, and I have loved it all along. But I also love that slowly, over time (32 years), the crew has become more of a family, tolerant of each other’s shortcomings, more likely to treat each other with kindness. Not always, of course. But it is quite heartening and encouraging. I can’t help but wonder if this is a conscious plan on Chip’s part or just natural evolution of characters. In any case, I like it, and I find this is the one strip I make sure to not miss. It is what is needed today, where if I want to see people treating each other badly I can just look at the news.