so nothing can be done to keep the fishy cozy?
Just shine a really strong, bright light on him.
He’s not a tropical fish. He doesn’t need a pool heater.
Just drop one of those cup heaters in the bowl…
“But you do owe $25 for showing up with my truck.”
What a kind and considerate pet owner Ziggy is!
Tropical fish prefer warmer water, goldfish do better in cooler water.
June 27, 2016
June 28, 2021
Templo S.U.D. almost 3 years ago
so nothing can be done to keep the fishy cozy?
AllishaDawn almost 3 years ago
Just shine a really strong, bright light on him.
Doug K almost 3 years ago
He’s not a tropical fish. He doesn’t need a pool heater.
paranormal almost 3 years ago
Just drop one of those cup heaters in the bowl…
mistercatworks almost 3 years ago
“But you do owe $25 for showing up with my truck.”
thejanith Premium Member almost 3 years ago
What a kind and considerate pet owner Ziggy is!
norphos almost 3 years ago
Tropical fish prefer warmer water, goldfish do better in cooler water.