When things don’t make sense, look at who is making money. If “they” can convince us to buy jeans or make jeans worn out well before their time, they’ll make more money selling more jeans when these “fashionable” ones are unwearable in only a year or two.
Jesy Bertz Premium Member over 2 years ago
Hmm, Rock beats Scissors, but Sandpaper . . . ?
whahoppened over 2 years ago
I shudder to think what happened to the scissors!
Pharmakeus Ubik over 2 years ago
He’s distressing his jeans.
david_42 over 2 years ago
When you buy distressed jeans, it’s in the front. When you wear them, they get stressed in the back.
Billys mom2022 over 2 years ago
Never sharpen scissors with sandpaper or foil. It doesn’t sharpen them properly and may ruin them.
car2ner over 2 years ago
When things don’t make sense, look at who is making money. If “they” can convince us to buy jeans or make jeans worn out well before their time, they’ll make more money selling more jeans when these “fashionable” ones are unwearable in only a year or two.
sk2915kaiso over 2 years ago
Aluminum foil also works well to sharpen kitchen shears! Just cut through the foil a couple times!