Hell, I thought that the Senate Watergate Panel taught us a massive lesson in civics and yet just 43 years later we discovered that the Republican Party learned nothing at all. Actually, when Newt Gingrich was House Speaker and the Rs impeached Bill Clinton, we should have noted then that the only thing the Party believed was that despite all the evidence(including all the tapes)that convinced even the most ardent Nixon true believers in Congress that he was GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY that truth only lasted until that generation of lawmakers had left. Those, led by back bench bomb thrower Newt Gingrich, decided that Nixon resigning was all the fault of of the Dems. So revenge became the sole reason they impeached Clinton. And if the GQP retakes the House this Nov, They will impeach Biden. And if McConnell is Senate Leader, they will push to convict(unlike how McConnell played fast and loose with the rules after both of Trumps impeachments)
What about B..ch McConnell denied President Obama nominating Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court because it was too close to the end of Obama’s term as president!
Sanspareil over 2 years ago
Just leave your hideous republican ways, Carmen!
And let the majestic train of logic, reason and truth guide you to a new way of thinking!
PraiseofFolly over 2 years ago
Sometimes I think this cartoon is less of a cartoon in comparison to what is our present cartoonish political “reality.”
Ignatz Premium Member over 2 years ago
Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
The rest of us are doomed to stand helplessly by and watch others repeat it.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 2 years ago
I agree. We defeated the Nazis once and you think we would have learned not to be them again.
bxclent Premium Member over 2 years ago
there is no unlearning they know exactly what they are doing!
Kip Williams over 2 years ago
And we’re back to frolicking again, here on the broken playground spinner of Life.
timbob2313 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Hell, I thought that the Senate Watergate Panel taught us a massive lesson in civics and yet just 43 years later we discovered that the Republican Party learned nothing at all. Actually, when Newt Gingrich was House Speaker and the Rs impeached Bill Clinton, we should have noted then that the only thing the Party believed was that despite all the evidence(including all the tapes)that convinced even the most ardent Nixon true believers in Congress that he was GUILTY, GUILTY, GUILTY that truth only lasted until that generation of lawmakers had left. Those, led by back bench bomb thrower Newt Gingrich, decided that Nixon resigning was all the fault of of the Dems. So revenge became the sole reason they impeached Clinton. And if the GQP retakes the House this Nov, They will impeach Biden. And if McConnell is Senate Leader, they will push to convict(unlike how McConnell played fast and loose with the rules after both of Trumps impeachments)
Jim Kerner over 2 years ago
What about B..ch McConnell denied President Obama nominating Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court because it was too close to the end of Obama’s term as president!