Wizard of Id Classics by Parker and Hart for June 23, 2022

  1. Calvins
    Algolei I  over 2 years ago

    But they’re already luminous yo-yos.

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  2. Clod2
    AnotherFineMess  over 2 years ago

    Interesting post about the 26th Amendment.https://www.thoughtco.com/the-26th-amendment-4157809

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    Calvinist1966  over 2 years ago

    The King is a fink AND a yo-yo.

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    Troglodyte  over 2 years ago

    In 2017-18, the Fink would need to go with (ugh) fidget spinners.

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    HskrPhan  over 2 years ago

    Or you could cancel student loan debt.

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    sandpiper  over 2 years ago

    Seems ID has a much larger population than one would guess. Either that or he’s going for the Hun vote.

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    Lady loves a joke  over 2 years ago

    This is definitely accurate. I saw a 19 year old male, stomp his foot, his face turned beet red, and he screamed at the top of his voice, “I’m not a child”! So, yes – pass that little man a luminous yo-yo.

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  8. Avatarpic l  1
    mfrasca  over 2 years ago

    This comic was published in June 1972. The Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in July 1971. !972 was the first presidential election that 18 year-olds voted in. Didn’t slow down Richard Nixon.

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    Radish...   over 2 years ago

    I just turned 21 and was going to vote for the first time and they lowered the age to 18.

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  10. Jolie album
    brklnbern  over 2 years ago

    Well they may be dumb, but they ain’t that juvenile.

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