This reminds me of how Michael J. Fox said he arrived in Hollywood with furniture that included a sectional sofa, and as he needed money he sold the sofa piece by piece. He was down to the last piece when he landed the role of Alex Keaton and never had to sell his personal effects again.
Gent over 2 years ago
If he was broke how could he affords limousine doggie?
Erichalfbee over 2 years ago
The middle panel was a cinch.
kartis over 2 years ago
Titled, “Dog… To be Continued.”
PoodleGroomer over 2 years ago
Does it work as a fold-in?
joegee over 2 years ago
zenyattafan over 2 years ago
This reminds me of how Michael J. Fox said he arrived in Hollywood with furniture that included a sectional sofa, and as he needed money he sold the sofa piece by piece. He was down to the last piece when he landed the role of Alex Keaton and never had to sell his personal effects again.