Ben by Daniel Shelton for August 23, 2022

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    saylorgirl  over 2 years ago

    This is why I despised back to school shopping!

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    tstuarta1  over 2 years ago

    You think shopping for back-to-school supplies is tough, try working in a store which sells them, and dealing with the parents doing the shopping from those lists! Especially those who are doing online pickup orders, and you have only 20 minutes to find two dozen items!

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    Vintage life  over 2 years ago

    I no longer do the lists I just buy the basics most of the stuff they ask for the kids never used or was given away to other students

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    Pet  over 2 years ago

    I haven’t had a kid in school since the 90’s. I can’t imagine the tablets and things that they require now.

    A wee bit more expensive than just binders, or are they supplied by the school?

    I am quite a bit out of touch with regards to that!

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    DM2860  over 2 years ago

    There are so many weird things. But I remember my granddaughter having on her list “solid color backpack without characters associated with a band/show/movie”. This was supposed to remove competition over who had the coolest backpack but I wonder how much chaos was created by kids not being able to tell which backpack was theirs. (“It’s the red one.” “There are 6 red ones.”)

    So her parents shelved Dora the Explorer from the previous year (kindergarten).

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    Cary Rodda Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Is there some reason the color on this strip has been kind of washed out recently?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Go to Staples!

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    ValancyCarmody Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Huh? Where I live, the stores ask the local schools what they will require and they make sure to stock it all. They also have a kiosk with the printed lists for each school and grade.

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    MCProfessor  over 2 years ago

    I taught college for close to thirty years. This time of the year I get an almost overpowering urge to go out and buy binders, portfolios, and hundreds of dry erase markers in all possible colors.

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    Lori Wall Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Amazon, of course!

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    DawnQuinn1  over 2 years ago

    I am out of touch with a lot of things…and enjoy it that way. lol

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    mafastore  over 2 years ago

    Husband’s nieces’ school list include the brand and color of all requested supplies as the teachers take all of the supplies from the students and throw them in together to help “students who parents cannot afford to buy them school supplies” – and this in a school district where homes are individually built on at least 1/2 acre of land.

    When husband and I went to school the type of items were listed with no specifications as to color etc – I used to have supplies with the names of dad’s clients on them and husband had supplies with the name of shipping lines on them as his dad worked in export and they were the freebies that were handed out as advertising.

    The older niece is now in college. About 5 or so years her mom (husband’s sister) asked us when we were at their house if she could transfer the photos from the cards in her camera to her computer – she had three drawers full of cards. Husband was attempting to show her what to do and said to older niece that she should help her mother transfer the photos – she did not know how to do so either! Neither his sister or her husband use a computer

    On the other hand my niece and nephew (in late 20s/ early 30s) were raised by people who knew how to use computers and work in related fields. So, apparently parents knowing how to use computers makes a big difference in what children can do.

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