Beagle #1 skipped breakfast once. I was immediately on the phone to my vet and had her in within a few hours. She had no other symptoms. It was a very, very rough week – she was near death due to Addison’s disease. She needed two medications for the rest of her life. Know your pets – this was ONE meal ignored. Beagles are pigs. Some dogs are picky eaters, so what I saw would not concern you very much. But mine? With a second dog who would steal it in seconds? Very abnormal, and she wouldn’t have survived the week. I have heard of dogs who just died in a few days because they refused to eat. They could have also been Addison’s dogs. All I knew about Addison’s at the time was that John Kennedy had it. Eventually I knew more than my vet and kept slowly and politely asking to change the regimen as my dog kept improving slowly. Vets have to know thousands of diseases. I only needed to know one, and I learned it very well. I didn’t make any changes on my own, I always discussed it with the vet first. While I had learned a lot, there could easily have been reasons not to make a change I thought would help that I didn’t know about. Slowly the vet came to trust me pretty well on the topic and actually learned a few things – it’s fairly rare, so most vets go by the book. My dog was not by the book.
GeorgeInAZ over 2 years ago
Like this would ever happen!
Red Bird over 2 years ago
My dog is the same way sometimes.
BigDaveGlass over 2 years ago
There is a sort of logic there…..
Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member over 2 years ago
He’s not going to make it very long standing with his nose right over his food like that!
Catfeet Premium Member over 2 years ago
Eat up, Rover…I bet there are Milky Bones for dessert!
Chris over 2 years ago
you could eat it slowly and smaller bites.
sarahbowl1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Poor little darling! But Red can’t feed you too much! You’ll get sick! I have that struggle every day with my Lizzie.
david_42 over 2 years ago
Harvey has an amazing sense of time, he’s always an hour early begging for dinner and comes back a 15 minutes intervals until it’s time.
Zebrastripes over 2 years ago
Ha! Pooches have no will power….he’ll snort it up in a minute…
DatsunMan over 2 years ago
My JRT would just stare at her dinner for sometimes over 5 minutes before eating it all slowly.
Moonkey Premium Member over 2 years ago
Beagle #1 skipped breakfast once. I was immediately on the phone to my vet and had her in within a few hours. She had no other symptoms. It was a very, very rough week – she was near death due to Addison’s disease. She needed two medications for the rest of her life. Know your pets – this was ONE meal ignored. Beagles are pigs. Some dogs are picky eaters, so what I saw would not concern you very much. But mine? With a second dog who would steal it in seconds? Very abnormal, and she wouldn’t have survived the week. I have heard of dogs who just died in a few days because they refused to eat. They could have also been Addison’s dogs. All I knew about Addison’s at the time was that John Kennedy had it. Eventually I knew more than my vet and kept slowly and politely asking to change the regimen as my dog kept improving slowly. Vets have to know thousands of diseases. I only needed to know one, and I learned it very well. I didn’t make any changes on my own, I always discussed it with the vet first. While I had learned a lot, there could easily have been reasons not to make a change I thought would help that I didn’t know about. Slowly the vet came to trust me pretty well on the topic and actually learned a few things – it’s fairly rare, so most vets go by the book. My dog was not by the book.
g04922 over 2 years ago
Good idea, Rover. Smarter than the average dog.