Years ago, I had some last minutes Christmas shopping to do, despite having a nasty head cold. I was standing in line to pay with an armful of gifts. Some lady cuts in front of me saying “I am in a big hurry and only have one item. I hope you don’t mind me cutting in”. Other people in line seemed irked as well….
Not wanting to cause a scene, I just scowled at her and kept quite. A few moments later, I felt a big sneeze coming on. Not being able to grab a kleenix out of my pocket because of my armful of gifts, I wound up sneezing a huge load of snot onto the back of her head.
She reached back behind her head, yelled out a huge “EWWWWW”, left the gift on the counter and stormed out of the store. The other people in line that had seen her cut in just cheered and applauded.
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
Halloween 2023, Ruthie?
momofalex7 almost 2 years ago
Ruthie hit the nail on the head. If I’m in line and someone behind me has only a couple of items, I will let them go ahead of me.
Argythree almost 2 years ago
Both Ruthie and Mom hit the nail on the head…
StoicLion1973 almost 2 years ago
Ellen, Ruthie, you’re both correct!
Steverino Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I wonder if the line-crasher’s name is Karen?
PoodleGroomer almost 2 years ago
The service desk takes ones.
Doug K almost 2 years ago
Although what Mom says is true, it may have been better to try to convey her feelings in a more subtle way first. (Mom kind of stooped to her level.)
tcayer almost 2 years ago
If she hadn’t been so stuck up, I would’ve let her in front when I saw she only had one item.
gigagrouch almost 2 years ago
This reminded me of this scene:
EnlilEnkiEa almost 2 years ago
Same difference, kiddo. I was at the store today and the cashier was preoccupied. I’m sorry, lady, was my order interrupting your text message?
Grumpy Old Guy almost 2 years ago
Same experience, but different outcome for me….
Years ago, I had some last minutes Christmas shopping to do, despite having a nasty head cold. I was standing in line to pay with an armful of gifts. Some lady cuts in front of me saying “I am in a big hurry and only have one item. I hope you don’t mind me cutting in”. Other people in line seemed irked as well….
Not wanting to cause a scene, I just scowled at her and kept quite. A few moments later, I felt a big sneeze coming on. Not being able to grab a kleenix out of my pocket because of my armful of gifts, I wound up sneezing a huge load of snot onto the back of her head.
She reached back behind her head, yelled out a huge “EWWWWW”, left the gift on the counter and stormed out of the store. The other people in line that had seen her cut in just cheered and applauded.
Karma is a…..
Calvin almost 2 years ago
Yes, letting a fellow shopper go ahead of you is generous and will get you positive karma whether you believe that or not.
pamela welch Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Nice comeback Ruthie and Mom ;-)
[Unnamed Reader - 8f7cf7] almost 2 years ago
What I say as long you don’t run over me with your car