In another frightening development, the GQP is now saying this very same quiet part out loud. The mid-terms are the most important vote ever. Vote like it’s you’ll never get to vote again.
One could easily argue that those millions of alleged fraudulent excess votes in the 2020 election were actually cast for Trump, and he still lost because there weren’t enough.
This cartoon endorses the untrue GQP assertion that fraud is anexistential issue in the American voting system, when everyinvestigation which discovers wrongful voting the instances areeither almost always misfeasance resulting from explainable votererror or, and statistically very rarely (far < 1%), deliberate andintentional malfeasance by individual actors.
Thus this cartoon – quite unintentionally, I have no doubt – feedsinto and succors the attempt by one single politician in particular (anarcissistic person of a peculiar orange hue who once held thehighest political office in our nation) to retain/regain/expand upon hispersonal power, and also the party he is nominal leader of who daily(and increasingly) demonstrate a perversion of personal and politicalparty morality in single-minded pursuit of demolition and otherquashing of political opposition.
The cartoon, even if by accident, supports those who would impose their autocracy.
Innumeracy runs amok in the right-wing universe. SYSTEMIC fraud does not occur. Catching individuals who cheat is actually proof that the system works. These individuals are equally GOP and Democrat; none of the “extra” voting amounts to anything near the number needed to overturn an election. Scanning the comments above, the GOP argument boils down to, “It’s true because I say it’s true.” Provide some PROOF, CITE your sources; here’s some for you to ignore:
Besides reality, tell me how do you keep secret 1000s and 1000s of fake voters? Nobody talks? (What did Ben Franklin say about 3 people keeping a secret?)Why did none of the post-election court cases present ANY proof? More broadly, doesn’t it concern you that accepting the word of one individual who literally admits he lies (see his autobiography) at the expense of our constitutional norms and faith in our institutions is the anti-thesis of democracy?
dadthedawg Premium Member over 2 years ago
Well, that’s politics…..
eastern.woods.metal over 2 years ago
It’s a free and fair election as long as I win
littlejohn Premium Member over 2 years ago
Is counting or maybe it’s miscounting votes the only arithmetic that he is good at?
dogugotw Premium Member over 2 years ago
In another frightening development, the GQP is now saying this very same quiet part out loud. The mid-terms are the most important vote ever. Vote like it’s you’ll never get to vote again.
1953Baby over 2 years ago
Oh, ronnie desantis is in the comix. . .
MC4802 Premium Member over 2 years ago
The GQP Way
mourdac Premium Member over 2 years ago
Biting tongue ….
awcoffman over 2 years ago
One could easily argue that those millions of alleged fraudulent excess votes in the 2020 election were actually cast for Trump, and he still lost because there weren’t enough.
exitseven over 2 years ago
Exactly. I wonder what they will try to do this time.?
rshive over 2 years ago
Defeat is one thing. Not being able to live the rest of ones life comfortably is yet another.
hooglah over 2 years ago
He must be a democrat.
Tetonbil over 2 years ago
No kidding! See, humor is not pretty!
Hamburgs over 2 years ago
Spoken like a true republican!
Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Senator Belfry is honest, for once, and I’m surprised the cigar did not fall out of Shoe’s mouth!
lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
This cartoon endorses the untrue GQP assertion that fraud is anexistential issue in the American voting system, when everyinvestigation which discovers wrongful voting the instances areeither almost always misfeasance resulting from explainable votererror or, and statistically very rarely (far < 1%), deliberate andintentional malfeasance by individual actors.
Thus this cartoon – quite unintentionally, I have no doubt – feedsinto and succors the attempt by one single politician in particular (anarcissistic person of a peculiar orange hue who once held thehighest political office in our nation) to retain/regain/expand upon hispersonal power, and also the party he is nominal leader of who daily(and increasingly) demonstrate a perversion of personal and politicalparty morality in single-minded pursuit of demolition and otherquashing of political opposition.
The cartoon, even if by accident, supports those who would impose their autocracy.
Alberta Oil over 2 years ago
Pretty well trumps position, he know there was fraud because he had his henchmen do it.. but is p****ed because there was not enough of it.
Alverant over 2 years ago
And yet the party that insists there was voter fraud in 2020 did so by showing they did it themselves and they STILL lost.
Alberta Oil over 2 years ago
Unless the republicans win this next election by a landslide you/we can be assured it is 100% due to fraud.
cosman over 2 years ago
Two camps.
jvscanlan Premium Member over 2 years ago
Anyone notice the orange tint in Belfry’s hair?
Havel over 2 years ago
Innumeracy runs amok in the right-wing universe. SYSTEMIC fraud does not occur. Catching individuals who cheat is actually proof that the system works. These individuals are equally GOP and Democrat; none of the “extra” voting amounts to anything near the number needed to overturn an election. Scanning the comments above, the GOP argument boils down to, “It’s true because I say it’s true.” Provide some PROOF, CITE your sources; here’s some for you to ignore:
Besides reality, tell me how do you keep secret 1000s and 1000s of fake voters? Nobody talks? (What did Ben Franklin say about 3 people keeping a secret?)Why did none of the post-election court cases present ANY proof? More broadly, doesn’t it concern you that accepting the word of one individual who literally admits he lies (see his autobiography) at the expense of our constitutional norms and faith in our institutions is the anti-thesis of democracy?
wlbr549 over 2 years ago
Can you believe it? A politician with an honest answer!
Charlie Fogwhistle over 2 years ago
Lyndon Johnson 1948 Senate race.