La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 15, 2022

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 2 years ago

    I’ve not gotten my booster yet (and I’m the younger brother of only a brother if we exclude the three older stepsisters and two younger stepsisters).

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    e.groves  over 2 years ago

    I got my third booster shot last week.

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    NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Used to go into pharmacy and ask for shot and was out in 20 minutes or less. Now you have to go online and make appointment and fill in your life history and answer a dozen questions, many I have no idea. The worst was what Covid shot do you want? The latest and greatest is not a choice. A bunch of medical gobbledygook. So I had to google them to find out which meant the latest and greatest. Bivalent, btw at least I think so. That is not all, to get a blood test, I need to show driver’s license!!! What if I don’t have one!!!???

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    mistercatworks  over 2 years ago

    More than 2400 people died of COVID in the U.S. last week. Tens of thousands got an infection which may or may not mess up their lives from many months to come.

    It’s still out there; it does not care about your “fatigue” with the subject. Get the covalent booster shot – it’s the real deal.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If you keep up with your shots, you can still get covid- I have at least once, diagnosed maybe twice, but not diagnosed- but it will be mild. The people still dying are those who didn’t get the shots. Since they are the same people who believe the rest of the right wing lies, too, I have mixed feelings about how unhappy I am about losing them as voters.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 2 years ago

    One statistic that’s super easy to track is “are you alive or dead”, so it’s deaths from COVID that get all the press. What’s far more prevalent but hardly noticed because it’s so insidious is how many lives will be shortened and made more miserable because of all the ill effects that stop short of killing you. There are no good metrics for that, so everybody tends to blow it off. But we shouldn’t.

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    There are at least two new variants active in Europe right now in areas that showed similar activity prior to the last large major covid outbreaks in the US — meaning the odds are at least 50% that late fall/early winter 2022 there will be a significant US infection wave.

    Masking/distancing from this wave, should it occur, would diminish flu infections as those preventive measures have done the most recent two seasons. Again, assuming there is another sizable covid outbreak in the US in the next few months.

    Masking/distancing to mitigate a new outbreak will not be policy which is readily accepted by the American public. Almost half of them think it’s all bs, anyway, and they and quite a few more in addition will ignore pleas to do so because they were informed, about a month ago, that there is no longer a pandemic by I-said-something-stupid-and, worse, not-necessary-at-all foot-in-mouth disease victim Joe Biden.

    Scores own goal yet again. Once more, hoist with own petard.

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