Working It Out by Charlos Gary for October 20, 2022

  1. Mm wp001
    allen@home  over 2 years ago

    Chill boss man. He’s just making a statement not complaining.

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    suv2000  over 2 years ago

    Get a lawyer you’ve been injured in the workplace

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    Doug K  over 2 years ago

    He wasn’t (necessarily) complaining. He could have been just making an observation. He may even like the pain. Then again, if he brings that up, that would be complaining.

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member over 2 years ago

    That wasn’t me, it was my tongue!

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    whelan_jj  over 2 years ago

    I attended a management seminar on motivation (actually one of the few really good ones) in which things like free coffee were called “dissatisfiers” because they don’t improve productivity or motivation but result in complaints.

    BTW, the focus of the seminar was that motivation and productivity are increased by giving people work of value that they can do (fire those who can’t), being sure they know what is to be done, and that the main job of the manager should be removing obstacles that prevent the work from being accomplished.

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  6. Simply4
    MissScarlet Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Don’t you know when you burn your tongue? I know I do. It’s never a questionable matter.

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