Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for November 30, 2022

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    enigmamz  over 2 years ago

    Sometimes, it’s not so bad.

    The real problem is when you get ads for something you were mildly interested in LAST WEEK.

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    Zykoic  over 2 years ago

    I try to use demented searches on Google although that can backfire. I am convinced my iPhone listens 100% of the time. I told my wife two days ago that the freezer is getting noisy and we may need to replace it. Today I got ads on freezers. We never searched for freezers. My solution was closing the basement door…….

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    Acworthless  over 2 years ago

    It’s worse than that. A few weeks ago my wife and I were talking about unscented dishwasher detergents. I researched them on my laptop, then ordered a particular brand from my Amazon account. A few hours later SHE got an ad for the same brand on her Facebook timeline on her iPad. I don’t have a Facebook account. There any known direct connection between my Amazon account and her FB account. There was an Amazon Echo in the room where we were talking about it. I have a feeling Alexa is the neighborhood gossip.

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  4. Tom ter
    pathamil  over 2 years ago

    Seems they always send you more ads for a product after you bought the product…

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    agerman  about 2 years ago

    More generic stuff

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    geese28  about 2 years ago

    It’s amazing how ads come quicker than my packages. Perhaps there needs to be an exchange of workers

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 2 years ago

    If you advertise to those who have shown an interest, you are more likely to make a sale by providing what they wanted and less likely to bother those uninterested.

    (My mother hated to get all the ads in the Sunday paper. My sister-in-law loved to get them.)

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    cuzinron47  about 2 years ago

    Now that’s one ad you don’t want to ignore.

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 2 years ago

    Sometimes they prove they’ve been paying attention not just to what you write but to what you say out loud, even when you’re talking to someone else in the room.

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    anomalous4  about 2 years ago

    AdGuard & Ublock Origin are the greatest. I just wish they made them for phones…

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