Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for December 02, 2022

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    Sugar Bombs 95  about 2 years ago

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this might be the first storyline to focus primarily on a character besides Phoebe or Marigold.

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    codycab  about 2 years ago

    I’ll take “blaart!” over bullies any day.

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  3. Omav
    Averagemoe  about 2 years ago

    I could tolerate my bullies heckling me in the locker room. But when they learned my combination and left me a “present” in my locker, that’s when I had to draw the line and move to a new one.

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 2 years ago

    sounds rough (Max’s situation)

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    Antiyonder  about 2 years ago

    Yes, Phoebe even is popular online. I’m again talking in-universe. Not like she or her unicorn could head a comic strip or Nicktoons.XD

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    overtherainbow  about 2 years ago

    Love Dana’s art! Marvelous renditions of Voltina!

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  7. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 2 years ago

    Max, you are Phoebe’s main squeeze! It’s nice to be loved!

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  8. Miyuki
    mistie710  about 2 years ago

    To blart or not to blart. That is the question.

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    Decepticomic  about 2 years ago

    I don’t think we’ve ever seen these alleged “bullies”. Let’s get some sociopaths in this strip straight out of the 80s!

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    MelO.  about 2 years ago

    nothing worse than a loud ‘BLART’ … (especially in an elevator)

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    asrialfeeple  about 2 years ago

    Is this what they call trauma bonding?

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  12. Triumph
    Daeder  about 2 years ago

    Nothing worse than goblins blarting up a storm.

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    Ron Bauerle  about 2 years ago

    Attention also isn’t a good thing when it’s from upper management or senior officers…

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    weshorse  about 2 years ago

    Well now we understand a lot more about why Max is insecure, it’s because of the bullying at school.

    Max also seems generally uncomfortable with people who say he’s great, like he either doesn’t believe it and has low self esteem or is simply annoyed by it.

    Although I don’t think he’s annoyed so much as he doubts himself he generally does better with people who aren’t so hyper and talkative.

    He could simply be a bashful type like LSH, but probably mostly because of the bullying.

    I wonder why he and Marigold aren’t interacting more often than every so rarely once in a while.

    Wonder if it’s because Marigold is too excitable for him or is it because every child in this series has their own unique personal friend who almost belongs to that child.

    What I’m surprised by is how it seems like Dana is possibly gender stereotyping by giving Phoebe a unicorn special friend, but giving Max a dragon.

    Like how girls have unicorn toy horses whereas boys have regular toy model horses if they have any at all.

    but I’m most certain that Dana would never EVER be gender stereotyping in that way because Dana’s top goal has been to make something that appeals to everyone and show how differences are good and that humans are humans period whatever their identity.

    and in fact if a boy ever had a toy or best friend unicorn that does not make him gay or trans.

    No connection whatsoever.I wish parents wouldn’t limit their child’s toys based on gender stereotyping.

    Each toy teaches something important.

    Dolls could teach a boy how to treat women and children the right way.

    It would be nice if Max had a unicorn friend too.

    Phoebe’s camping friend Sue does have a water dragon friend named Ringo, but I can imagine that such a friend would be very limited.

    You would only be able to visit him in large bodies of water and only when the water is not frozen.

    So that’s only half the year every year.

    And he can’t take you places on land like Marigold or Voltina could.

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  15. Jem
    jerrica.benton333  about 2 years ago

    For me it’s usually from tourists who chase me around town, sniffing me and taking pictures with their smart-phones… or random crazies yelling at me on the street for not paying my child-support (I don’t have any children, for the record)

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