Adult Children by Stephen Beals for December 22, 2022

  1. Oip
    Twocat  about 2 years ago

    Tabby does it again

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    seanfear  about 2 years ago

    good job Tabby!

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    Geeky Meerkat  about 2 years ago

    Today while closing, I went to the door to lock it. While locking it, a guy started to walk up. He watched me lock it and continued to come toward the store. So I did the universal X with my arms to signal, and said in a loud voice, “Sorry but we are closed”.

    Despite him having seen me lock the door and do the X with my arms, he still tried to open the door and ask “Are you closed?”

    I’m so glad I didn’t get there one minute later as I got the vibe off of him that had he come in right before I locked the door he would insist that because he got in that we had to help him. Nevermind that my computers auto-lock down for new transactions at close and all I can do is finalize existing transactions.

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  4. Mel and linda 013
    Melki Premium Member about 2 years ago

    ARGH – this drives me nuts! I dealt with this during my ten years in retail, and now at the library where I work. I’ve had to go to the breaker box, and turn off the power to the public computers to get people to leave. I always want to say to these lingerers, “Tell me where you work, and I’ll come there, and make sure you have to stay an unpaid twenty minutes longer!”

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    TLH1310 Premium Member about 2 years ago

    The one I like is “Our registers have just shut down. We cannot override it for anyone. Please leave the store NOW”

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    Doctor Toon  about 2 years ago

    Our store needs a Tabby

    I bet even the shoplifters would be afraid of her

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  7. Froggy with cat ears
    willie_mctell  about 2 years ago

    First rule is to lock the doors. That only keeps more people from coming in.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member about 2 years ago

    How about customer with long list who come in 5 minutes before closing?

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    ChrisTrey  about 2 years ago

    Or the customer who comes up to the register 5 minutes to close, with a cart full of stuff and coupons for every single item. Happened at CVS far too often.

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    quanyindove  about 2 years ago

    Oh man…I get to live out so many fantasies through this comic! To have been able to do that to customers would have been sooo cool! (Used to do retail, grocery, and worked at a zoo. Lots of customer service.)

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